The week begins on a powerful and courageous high. The sun moves into vibrant and expressive Leo, initiating a new astrological season. However, the beginning this...
Let’s face it, there are a few countries in the world that excel at building off-grid and off-road-capable travel trailers. This includes North America, Australia, and...
2. “They’re very good at problem-solving. Even if it’s something they have no experience with, they always approach the problem from the right angle.” —u/ElegantFable “I’ll...
I am in mourning as I write this, after being booted out of our office Euro sweepstake (thanks for rien, France). But I am also broadly...
“Muscles rarely work in isolation,” says Maritato. “From adults carrying bags of groceries to a professional athlete competing for gold, muscles work as a team to...
PHILADELPHIA – Travelers in Philadelphia and around the world are experiencing widespread delays as part of a Microsoft outage that also disrupted banks, media outlets and...
A productive attitude will carry you through the day as the moon shifts into mature Capricorn. Professionalism and self-control will enable you to tackle your responsibilities...
This story is part of CNBC Make It’s Millennial Money series, which details how people around the world earn, spend and save their money. After graduating from Syracuse...
You’re feeling passionate and alive as the fire energy builds in the sky. The morning begins with Mercury, the planet of mindset, alleviating the pressure of...
There’s a full moon rising in the grit and grind, strive and shine sign of Capricorn on Sunday, July 21 at 6:17 a.m. Each month, the moon moves through eight...
Cancer season’s emotional ebbs and flows have been dominating the vibes as of late, as the sun’s been traveling through the sensitive sign of the crab...
Marine scientists may learn more about the “rarest whale” in the world after a spade-toothed whale washed up on an Otago beach in New Zealand. According...