Lionsgate is developing a television series based around the ongoing gambling scandal between MLB superstar Shohei Ohtani and his former interpreter, Ippei Mizuhara. The series will...
Lionsgate is developing a television series about the sports betting saga involving Los Angeles Dodgers Pitcher Shohei Ohtani and his former interpreter, according to numerous outlets...
In what could have easily been the next season of “American Crime Story,” Lionsgate Television is diving into the gambling scandal that’s rocked Major League Baseball...
The gambling scandal surrounding Los Angeles Dodgers star player Shohei Ohtani is set to be developed into a TV series by Lionsgate Television. Produced by Scott Delman...
Lionsgate will handle U.S. distribution of eagerly awaited “Greenland” sequel “Greenland: Migration,” Variety can confirm. STX, which has a distribution partnership with Lionsgate, is handling international...
Topline The compensation of CEOs of some of America’s largest entertainment firms last year rose at a rate of more than double that of the average...