Louis Vuitton designer Nicolas Ghesquière typically selects an architectural masterpiece as the backdrop for his resort collections, and Barcelona’s Park Güell, the fairy-tale park designed by...
The Voice of Fashion is an online fashion and design magazine. Completely distinct in the way it deals with the latest fashion trends and its approach...
Photo: Getty Images Whether she’s wearing a tailored pantsuit or a bodycon mini dress, Kelly Rowland does not come to play on the red carpet. But...
The devil’s in the details but what defines the perimeters of quality, calibre, and craftsmanship? One interpretation could be obvious design details, signature motifs or hours...
Wayne high schools raise money for a scholarship: Video Wayne high schools raise money for a scholarship in honor of Rocco Sivolella, a student who died...
Tennis player Carlos Alcaraz has been a Louis Vuitton brand ambassador since August 2023.Jorge Pérez Ortiz (Louis Vuitto Of the €15.2 billion ($16.5 billion) in net...
Harnessing the Frontier of Fashion and Technology: Louis Vuitton’s Latest NFT-Linked Varsity Jacket The Intersection of Heritage and Innovation In a striking blend of tradition and...
It’s been a big week in Caitlin Clark news. Not only was the Iowa player drafted Monday by the Indiana Fever as the first pick, but...
The brand’s newly labelled travelling show included asymmetric hemlines and boxy leather vests /fashion/trends/louis-vuitton-voyager-fashion-show-shanghai-111713497015744.html 111713497015744 story Louis Vuitton debuted its newly-labelled “Voyager” travelling show in Shanghai...