While cold winds swept across Hong Kong on a December night, 200 runners dressed as Santa Claus, reindeer and Christmas elves brought warmth and vitality to...
LUBBOCK, Texas (KCBD) – Seven marathons, in seven days, on seven continents – it sounds nearly impossible, but a Lubbock man has done it. Mike Rogers,...
Chuck Stark | Special to the Kitsap Sun The Kitsap Sports Hall of Fame is a place to honor excellence and connect generations. It’s a place...
From a soccer fan helping his blind friend enjoy the game to runners helping injured peers reach the finish line, these three moments will give you...
Don’t introduce anything new on race day At 9pm, I set my alarm for 4am and went to sleep. The clocks went back on Sunday so...
An aspiring fitness coach is aiming to lift more than a million kilogrammes of weight in a month to raise money for Movember. Joey Jones, 30,...
Sydney has become the seventh city in the World Marathon Majors series Saeed KHAN Text size Sydney was elevated on Monday to the World Marathon Majors,...
The Sydney Marathon is being added to an iconic list of races globally, as it becomes the seventh city to join the Abbott World Marathon Majors...
Marathon was originally supposed to arrive this year. Instead, Bungie’s new sci-fi extraction shooter was delayed until 2025 and still hasn’t reemerged with new gameplay since...
Ethiopian runner Yomif Kejelcha made every second count as he broke the men’s half-marathon record by just one second Sunday. Kejelcha finished strongly in the Spanish...
Text size UPDATES with other finishers Ruth Chepngetich of Kenya obliterated the women’s world record by almost two minutes Sunday as she won the Chicago Marathon...
DAYTON, Ohio (WKEF) — Thousands of people gathered at Wright State University for all things health and fitness. The 2024 Air Force Health and Fitness Expo...