The first standalone Cap film since Civil War also stars Harrison Ford, Giancarlo Esposito, Danny Ramirez, and Tim Blake Nelson Anthony Mackie’s Sam Wilson is finally...
Anthony Mackie is wearing his new title of Captain America well. The actor returns to the MCU for “Captain America: Brave New World,” which takes place...
2025 will be a brave new world for the Marvel Cinematic Universe in more ways than one. After a year and more of delays, reconfiguration, and...
Cap is back! Marvel Studios has released the first trailer for “Captain America: Brave New World,” the fourth Captain America movie and the first starring Anthony...
Marvel and NetEase Games’ superhero team-based PVP shooter Marvel Rivals got announced last March and is already in beta on PC. At the PlayStation State of...
Monday is Memorial Day, a time for celebrating and honoring service members both past and present. For many families, it also offers a rare long, three-day-long...
Taylor Swift, already idolized by her fans, might soon step into the superhero realm for real. The pop sensation, known for her record-breaking sales and historic...
Marvel alleges an Instagram user illegally posted an image from the unreleased “Captain America: Brave New World” movie — and it has gone to court to...
Disney CEO Bob Iger’s turn-around tour continues, and he let us in on the plan for what is arguably the House of Mouse’s most successful IP:...
He’ll have a Thor head in the morning Published 09:59 3 May 2024 GMT+1 Everybody’s favourite Norse god may have just met his bitter, and brutal...