As summer begins to wind down, millions of American families ready their children for the upcoming school year. For parents, it can elicit an array of...
An end run around the Missouri General Assembly has the nation’s two largest sports books driving hard to their goal of crossing home plate with a...
KANSAS CITY, Mo. (KCTV) – Three more questions will go before Missouri voters in November: should the state legalize sports betting? Should the state allow abortions?...
Running a small business is never easy, especially during inflationary periods. In 2023, when the average rate of inflation was 4.1%, 35% of small businesses reported...
Joe Biden’s choice to drop his bid in the 2024 presidential election on Sunday reverberated across the nation—and the world. But speculation about who would replace...
Wendy’s and Jersey Mike’s franchise owners in California have cut hours and slashed jobs to offset the spike in labor costs caused by the state’s new...
The franchisee operating the 55-year-old Arby’s on Hollywood’s Sunset Boulevard has closed it down. “Truth is, I think it was the pandemic that did us in,” 91-year-old...
Foot traffic to McDonald’s, Burger King, and In-N-Out Burger restaurants in California appeared to fall in the weeks after they raised prices to offset the state’s...
Tips and tricks to help you stay afloat while you’re out of a job When you’re faced with unemployment it’s hard to think about your budget,...
California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s successful push to hike the minimum wage for many of the state’s fast food workers is having a devastating impact on businesses, who have...
Louis Blessing | Guest Columnist Most California’s fast food employees will now make at least $20 Fast food chains with 60 or more locations nationwide are...
The new formula for minimum wage levels would also consider factors such as consumer price index (A), current gross domestic product growth and average GDP growth...