In the winter of 1967, an aspiring sports broadcaster named Ned Reynolds struggled to find full-time work in his hometown of Philadelphia. So he got in...
Staff reports | Springfield News-Leader Gugel named city’s director of BDS Martin Gugel has been named director of the Springfield’s Building Development Services department, effective Oct....
US LBM Coaches Poll: Georgia shows weakness, but don’t read too much into it The latest US LBM Coaches Poll is out and Georgia remains at...
School has started, temperatures will (hopefully) drop soon and some of Springfield’s most iconic events are on the calendar. One of these is the Friends of...
SPRINGFIELD, Mo. (KY3) – The Good Jobs Challenge Grant provides financial assistance for short-term training in three main fields of employment and so far a number...
Julie Clayton | Special to the News-Leader My guest this week on Poetry from Daily Life is Julie Clayton. I became aware of Julie through Poetry...
There have been a number of college signings in Savannah in the last two weeks. Here’s a look at where some Coastal Empire athletes are headed...
United Way of the Ozarks announces new board of directors, executive committee members Four new members have joined the United Way of the Ozarks Board of...