As Time Trap’s mystery deepens, Taylor and Jackie bring a friend named Cara, her sister, Veeves, and a friend of her sister named Furby. They find...
Celebrities are paying heartfelt tributes to the late Donald Sutherland, who has passed away, leaving a significant void in the film industry. Jane Fonda expressed her...
Renowned actress Zendaya is hesitant to make her directorial debut despite ample encouragement from industry greats. In an interview with the New York Times, the ‘Euphoria’...
Primer was a truly independent effort, as Shane Carruth wrote, directed, produced, edited, and scored it. It was also Carruth’s directorial debut, and he starred in...
Thus, time-traveling targets are dispatched by assassins whose interaction with time travel is simply to perform hits. Undertaking these assassinations are the “Loopers”—hitmen like Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s...