After struggling to drum up interest following its Cannes Film Festival premiere, the young Donald Trump drama “The Apprentice,” starring Sebastian Stan as the former president, has found...
LOS ANGELES — Mariah Carey’s mother Patricia and sister Alison both died on the same day, the singer said Monday. “My heart is broken that I’ve lost my...
LOS ANGELES — In a sleepy summer weekend at the box office, holdovers reigned supreme as newcomers landed without a splash. What You Need To...
Fewer women are working as creators and being cast in major roles on original television series. The newest Boxed In report from the San Diego State...
Two weeks after organizers scrubbed Taylor Swift’s concerts in Vienna amid a foiled terror plot, the singer issued her first statement on the cancellations. What You...
The U.S. economy made fewer job gains than initially reported between March 2023 and 2024. On Wednesday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ annual revision said 818,000...
After a relationship that spanned two decades, two engagements, two weddings and headlines too numerous to count, Jennifer Lopez has filed for divorce from Ben Affleck....
LOS ANGELES — For nearly two decades, Phil Donahue was virtually the only TV talk show host to roam his audience with a microphone and make...
Phil Donahue, whose pioneering daytime talk show launched an indelible television genre that made household names of Oprah Winfrey, Montel Williams, Ellen DeGeneres and many others,...
A wrongful death lawsuit against Walt Disney Parks and Resorts is serving as a reminder to consumers of the importance of reading the fine print when signing...
The 2024 MTV Video Music Awards have moved to a new date because of the forthcoming U.S. presidential debate. The VMAs will now air live on...
ANAHEIM, Calif. — Disney will bestow “legends” status to 14 artists, including Harrison Ford, Angela Bassett and Miley Cyrus, who have shaped the company. What You...