“The Backrooms,” an online meme that posits the existence of an alternate reality of endless vacant rooms, has become the springboard for a series of internet...
Traveling across America, you can find more than one town claiming the “World’s Largest Fire Hydrant” or the “World’s Largest Egg.” But only Rhode Island claims...
Taylor Swift fan sets Guinness World Record: ‘It was difficult’ Bilal Ilyas Jhandir, 20, has set a new world record for identifying 34 Taylor Swift songs...
Summer is a great time for a scavenger hunt. Are you ready for an Ohio-centric one? Ohio has 10 record-breaking world’s largest things, including roadside attractions,...
Bargain hunters have been turning to bin shopping to find many items on sale. Deep discounts, like a sweater marked down to $2 from $300, can...
See moment when Earthquake shakes UN Security Council meeting This video shows the moment an earthquake is felt during United Nations Security Council meeting on Friday,...
Alligator takes nap under worker’s car During work, an alligator crawled under a workers car and took a nap. Workers were able to “shoo” the gator...