Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket, announced in February and out in late October, whittles the Pokémon franchise down to its simplest form: collection. Instead of catching...
An hour in, The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom seems to offer everything that made the last two Zelda games great, reimagining decades of tried...
World of Warcraft has always dabbled in the space beyond Azeroth. The Orcs came through the Dark Portal to serve as the antagonists of the original...
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle has all the Indy trademarks you’d expect: action, adventure, the archaeologist’s iconic whip and fedora, and a long list of...
Infinity Nikki is, in only the most positive sense, a dream for every teenage girl. It’s a fashion-oriented open world RPG with plenty of exploration and...
Poe, Quora’s subscription-based, cross-platform aggregator for AI-powered chatbots like Anthropic’s Claude and OpenAI’s GPT-4o, has launched a feature called Previews that lets users create interactive apps...
When I first saw the debut trailer for Prismatic — the new, “advanced” subclass coming to Destiny 2 in The Final Shape — I told my...
Destiny 2’s raids have always been the best thing about the game. Unfortunately, only a fraction of Guardians ever attempt them. The developers at Bungie have...