FX’s latest installment in Ryan Murphy‘s American Story franchise, American Sports Story: Aaron Hernandez, is ready to hit TV screens. The 10-episode limited series follows the...
Photo: Ashley Peña for New York Magazine I’m trying to slim down now, ” says Josh Rivera half-jokingly. “Hollywood loves the lean boys. Timmy Chalamet is...
The Ryan Murphy-produced show will premiere on FX next month The tragic life of the late football player and convicted murderer Aaron Hernandez will get the...
The trailer for FX’s “American Sports Story: Aaron Hernandez” has been unveiled. The 10-episode limited series premieres on FX with two episodes on Sept. 17 and...
FLASH!!! Paris Olympics, Day 8 Finals: USA Rips World Record to Clip China in Epic Mixed Medley Relay Since the 400-meter mixed medley relay was introduced...
Gretchen Walsh, Bobby Finke and Ryan Murphy celebrate after winning the final of the mixed 4x100m medley relay along with Torri Huske on August 3, 2024....