THIS is the eerie tale of an abandoned cruise ship whose owner was murdered by mafias after he turned the boat into a gambling hub. The...
THE LARGEST gold deposit in the world, worth over an eye-watering £63 billion, has been discovered in China. Geologists believe more than 1,000 tonnes of the...
A HIDDEN hotel paradise with its own waterfall and jungle has been dubbed the “world’s best new tall building”. The idyllic skyscraper features an artificial lagoon,...
A DISGRACED Brit who filmed himself raping, torturing and killing dozens of dogs has been seen crying in court. Dubbed the “world’s worst animal abuser”, Adam...
The self-proclaimed world’s best gambler who claims he won $3 million betting on Joe Biden to be president four years ago has revealed he is betting...
A SAUDI-Arabian fitness influencer has been jailed for 11 years after she went shopping in an outfit which was deemed inappropriate. Manahel al-Otaibi was handed the...