When the TV series “Arcane” returns to Netflix on Nov. 9, it will be difficult to top its first season. In addition to collecting four Emmy Awards...
The emergence of streaming’s new Big Four. A look at the future of moviegoing and the near-term future of AMC Theatres. A blunt discussion about how...
It’s not about volume, it’s about curation. It’s not about serving up shows for specific demographics so much as it is having something on the menu...
In the six years since writing the definitive book on dealmaking in the TV industry, Ken Basin has had to rethink plenty before updating his masterwork for a...
By any measure, women’s sports is where much of the sector’s growth will be found in the near term as sports and media are buffetted by...
Microsoft Gaming is taking a victory lap after an impressive Xbox Games Showcase presentation at the David Geffen Theater in Los Angeles on June 9, which...
With a new single out from her forthcoming album, a book partly about her own life just optioned for a docuseries she’ll produce and a new...