Pixar Animation Studios, which produced such classic films as “Toy Story” and “Up,” began laying off about 14% of its workforce Tuesday as it scales back development of original streaming series, according...
Hello! If you had a billion dollars, you’d probably buy a few silly things. (For me, it’s a ski mountain.) But what about a boat designed...
Google is “moving boldly” with its AI efforts but is proceeding cautiously. CEO Sundar Pichai said the company is trying to balance “moving fast” with being...
Welcome back, I guess. Can AI help me get over the New York Knicks getting bounced from the NBA playoffs? I doubt it. But this summary...
OpenAI’s newest AI model, GPT-4o, has been out for less than a week, and people can use it for everything from providing translations in real time...
The Bay Area and California both added jobs in April, but the gains were puny and sketch a picture of an ominously feeble employment market statewide...
Topline A widespread outage of Apple’s instant messaging service was reported Thursday afternoon, with thousands of users reporting problems on Downdetector, though Apple reported shortly after...
If you purchase an independently reviewed product or service through a link on our website, Variety may receive an affiliate commission. Although Apple is enjoying the...
The portal between New York City and Dublin — a giant video installation livestreaming between the two locations — has been shut down due to bad...
This pin might make you an easy target. Many people have difficulty selecting and remembering a passcode, especially when it involves four-digit pins. But if you...
FREMONT — Tesla, in a fresh jolt to the Bay Area employment market, has decided to slash several hundred more jobs in the region, affecting workers...
It’s time to hit update on your iPhone. A vital new software update across Apple devices protects the tech from security breaches — and offers an array...