WESTERLY — “The Drowsy Chaperone,” a Tony Award-winning spoof that’s been described as “the perfect Broadway musical,” and “a hilarious valentine to show tunes and show people,” opens...
A summer of adventures continue on stages on both sides of Lake Pontchartrain as playhouses look to the past and the present with some musical productions....
2-minute read Joe Malinconico | Paterson Press Paterson NJ Police chief Isa Abbassi talks strategic plan Paterson Police Department officer in charge Isa Abbassi discusses his...
It is arguably Tennessee Williams’ most popular work. “A Streetcar Named Desire” uses the Crescent City as a backdrop for a cache of Southern issues, like...
Lori Graves | Special to the Gazette I sure could use some “underwear sticking to me” heat. Did anyone say this? Anyone? They need to be...
And the award for best ensemble at the Tony Awards 2024 goes to…all of the fabulously dressed attendees at Broadway’s annual celebration of the season’s best...
Mark your calendar: Surf film festival, Space Coast Comic Con and concerts galore top our list of fun things to do in Brevard for June 14...
It’s murder most marvelous in local theaters as the Saenger gets a “Clue” and Summer Lyric has a close shave with “Sweeney Todd.” Board (game) to...
What better way to welcome in the Rhode Island summer theater season than at Matunuck’s Theatre by the Sea, especially when a superlative production of “A Chorus...
Carissa Broadbent author talk 6 p.m.; Westerly Library, 44 Broad St., Westerly. Cynthia Munzer and James Kuslan 4 p.m.; Stonington Harbor Yacht Club, 32 Water St....
Central arrival area of the ship. Photos by Ewout Rijk de Vries It is the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, with a depth of just over...
The King and Queen visited the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (Rada) in central London, which has trained leading actors from Sir Anthony Hopkins to Imelda...