The landscape of camping and outdoor hospitality continues to evolve, driven by a rising demand for exploratory travel experiences. According to Kampgrounds of America (KOA), more...
“The travel trend for 2024: Destination Dupes” – The Hindu. “These 9 destination dupes feel like the real deal” – National Geographic. “‘Dupe destination’ boom hits...
Skift Take Big companies are on the move again, but the business travel growth engine — small- to medium-sized businesses — took a step back because...
Skift Take The Travel Health Index in March 2024 shows an overall softening trend compared to the previous month, with the index dropping by 4 points....
Skift Take While there are several co-branded credit cards offered by airlines and hotels, banks releasing travel-focused core credit cards indicates a shift in consumer preference...
The world is emerging from the constraints of the pandemic and travel habits and consumer expectations have noticeably shifted, reshaping the hotel and hospitality industry...
Skift Take MakeMyTrip shares insights into changing preferences of Indian travelers as the Indian tourism industry is poised for significant growth in 2024. Bulbul Dhawan Indian...
From Eurostar to the Glacier Express, travel advisors will find the vast majority of European railway options on global platform Rail Europe. Founded in the U.S....
Skift Take As China continues its recovery from the pandemic, we look at trends shaping the country’s travel industry. Rashaad Jorden China, the world’s largest outbound...