Generally speaking, as with any credit card, it also makes sense to consider a travel credit card if your finances are in good standing and it...
What to know about Labor Day and its history Labor Day is more than just barbecues, shopping sales and a long weekend. Here’s what to know...
There’s nothing like a scam to put a damper on your hard-earned vacation. In this day and age, the opportunities for people to swindle you out...
When her marriage ended, Camille Rae, at 53, was searching for answers. “Sometimes when you’re thrown into one of these storms in life, you’re just not...
Us Weekly has affiliate partnerships. We receive compensation when you click on a link and make a purchase. Learn more! There’s nothing that dampens the excitement...
CHARLOTTE, N.C. (WBTV) – Imagine suffering a medical emergency abroad and being on the hook for potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars in order to get...
Air and water temperatures are both getting warmer and warmer, thanks to climate change, and frequent heat waves are disrupting day-to-day life for many people throughout...
A couple of years ago, I was invited to attend a friend’s July wedding in his wife’s hometown in northern Italy. As the date approached, I...
Two summers ago, Ali Abouzalam invited his grandmother Martha Webb to vacation with him in Belize. Abouzalam, who is an MMA fighter based in St. Petersburg,...
(CNN) – Millions of Americans will be traveling this Fourth of July holiday. Drivers can expect plenty of traffic on the roads, and passengers should brace...
BAKERSFIELD, Calif. (KBAK/FOX58) — With summer vacation in full swing, AAA says more Americans are taking extended trips for Independence Day. Gianella Ghiglino with AAA says...
Younger generations have been choosing careers and travel over children for many years now, but when it comes to Generation Z, finances play a huge role...