Warning: Spoilers ahead for “Top Chef” Season 21, Episode 8, which aired May 8, 2024. The remaining nine “Top Chef” contestants were flying high after...
‘Challengers’: Zendaya stars in Luca Guadagnino’s tennis drama Zendaya stars as a tennis prodigy in a love triangle with a pair of doubles partners (Mike Faist...
Kathy Griffin slams ‘Curb Your Enthusiasm’ star Larry David, HBO Kathy Griffin was on the first-ever episode of “Curb Your Enthusiasm” in 2000. But she “couldn’t...
‘Fallout’: Amazon streaming series adapts post-apocalyptic video game After being raised in an underground vault, young Lucy (Ella Purnell) ventures out into a wild wasteland in...
‘Fallout’: Amazon streaming series adapts post-apocalyptic video game After being raised in an underground vault, young Lucy (Ella Purnell) ventures out into a wild wasteland in...