As a child, Jordan Yeoh admired the physiques of martial arts star Bruce Lee, Conan the Barbarian and the buff characters in the animated television series...
This Motivate Your Monday segment is sponsored by Trinity Health System. Alright everyone, this week on Motivate Your Monday we’re talking tips to help motivate you...
A workout inspired by soldiers marching with heavy military backpacks is growing popular among menopausal women, bringing benefits for their health, according to fitness experts. “Rucking...
SHREVEPORT, La. – It’s no secret that after Halloween, we ramp right up to the holidays, when sweet treats are everywhere. So how does one manage...
E2M Fitness is centered on virtual programming but does host some in-person events like this one in Raleigh. (Photo courtesy of E2M Fitness) Jeff Witherspoon launched...
Today’s Tip Fit this workout into your day! By6abc Digital Staff Tuesday, October 29, 2024 9:13AM Fitness tip: Shoulder press, triceps extensionShoshana shows us an exercise...
A woman has gone viral after sharing her secret to a workout that doesn’t feel like a workout: a beats per minute (BPM) walk. Erin Azar,...
The Virtual Reality “Flow” workout on Supernatural lets you wield one or two batons at fast moving … [+] targets in hyper-realistic immerisve 360 settings. Supernatural...
PEORIA (25News Now) – Runners in the Peoria area have taken on a rigorous physical challenge to support veterans. They are running four miles every four...
Today’s Tip Fit this workout into your day! By6abc Digital Staff Thursday, October 17, 2024 1:24PM Fitness tip: Spice up your crunchShoshana shows us a way...
MOUNDSVILLE, W.Va. — A new outdoor fitness court is now available to Moundsville residents after a ribbon cutting on Wednesday. If you’re looking to hit the...
PIKEVILLE, Ky. (WYMT) – Planet Fitness is officially coming to Pikeville. Glow brands, a Planet Fitness franchisee based in Louisville, Ky., announced today that its 16,000...