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Taxpayer money for downtown SLC? Some say they’d rather not.



Taxpayer money for downtown SLC? Some say they’d rather not.

SALT LAKE CITY — Using taxpayer money to fund the Salt Lake City revitalization project isn’t sitting well with several groups. Some hope the city council votes to reject the revitalization plans tonight.

Americans for Prosperity – Utah says they’d be in favor of the plan if it didn’t involve using taxpayer money. State Director Kevin Greene says he thinks it doesn’t seem like a smart move.

“Ultimately when we’re subsidizing and propping up one industry artificially,” Greene said, “it inevitably hurts the mom and pop shop down the road that that doesn’t receive these types of benefits.”

The group hopes the city council will pause these plans and find different funding. Greene says he’s excited that major league sports teams are interested in Salt Lake City, but wants private dollars to fund big projects like this.

“I just I don’t think ever that this is the thing that government should be prioritizing,” Greene said. “And especially right now when countless people are hurting in this economy.”


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