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The 5/5/5 Method: How The World’s Best Teams Get Smarter In 15-Minute Sprints



The 5/5/5 Method: How The World’s Best Teams Get Smarter In 15-Minute Sprints

In today’s fast-paced business world, the ability to learn and adapt quickly isn’t just nice to have—it’s essential for survival and success. We cannot possibly think we are equipped for what is happening around the corner. That’s everyone and every team—including the C-suite. There is a false belief among people who reach the leader ranks that they need less development than they did during earlier stages of their careers. But we all must get 30–50 percent better every year to keep up with the pace of change. So, how do the world’s best teams approach professional development? The answer lies in a powerful practice I call the 5/5/5 Learning Roadmap, a key component of what I term “Teamship.”

Introducing Teamship: The Ultimate Competitive Advantage

Before we dive into the 5/5/5 Learning Roadmap, let’s define Teamship. It’s the ultimate competitive advantage and the differentiator between average teams and the extraordinary top 15% teams in the world. Elite teams have shifted from a traditional model of overstretched, hierarchical leadership to peer-to-peer teamship driven by:

  1. Co-elevation: co-leading teams and elevating each other to achieve world-class performance.
  2. A shifting from standard working habits to inclusive 21st century collaboration practices, processes and tools to achieve bolder innovation and faster decision-making.

Teamship—which I describe in full in my next book, Never Lead Alone—is about reimagining how we work together, and the 5/5/5 Learning Roadmap is a prime example of this new approach in action.

The 5/5/5 Learning Roadmap: A Game-Changer for Team Development

So, what exactly is the 5/5/5 Learning Roadmap? It’s a structured, peer-driven approach to professional development that leverages the collective wisdom and accountability of the team. Here’s how it works:

  • 5 Minutes to Present: Each team member updates peers on their learning progress.
  • 5 Minutes of Questions: The team asks probing questions to deepen insights.
  • 5 Minutes of Feedback: The team provides constructive feedback and suggestions.

This practice, when implemented regularly, creates a powerful cycle of learning, accountability, and growth that elevates the entire team.

Why the 5/5/5 Method Works

The effectiveness of this practice stems from several key factors:

  1. Visibility of Learning: It creates a culture of continuous improvement.
  2. Collective Intelligence: Diverse perspectives uncover new growth opportunities.
  3. Peer Accountability: Regular check-ins drive progress on development goals.
  4. Growth Mindset: It normalizes the pursuit of growth and creates psychological safety.
  5. Alignment with Team Goals: Individual learning contributes to overall team performance.

Real-World Impact: Transforming Organizations

I’ve witnessed the transformative power of this practice across various industries. For instance, a disruptive player in the cosmetics industry uses the 5/5/5 Learning Roadmap with their senior leadership team, contributing to their rapid innovation and market leadership.

In the tech sector, a global firm credits this practice with building a more adaptable workforce, enabling them to pivot quickly in response to market changes.

How to Get Started

Ready to revolutionize your team’s approach to professional development? Here’s how to get started:

  1. Develop Clear Learning Roadmaps: Each team member should have a well-defined plan.
  2. Schedule Regular Sessions: Make this a recurring event in your team calendar.
  3. Invest in Skill Development: Train your team in effective questioning and feedback.
  4. Lead by Example: As a leader, be the first to share your learning roadmap.
  5. Connect to Broader Goals: Help team members see how their growth contributes to overall success.

The Future of Professional Development is Team-Driven

The 5/5/5 Learning Roadmap is more than just a tool—it’s a catalyst for creating a learning organization. By making growth a team sport, we not only accelerate individual development but also build stronger, more adaptive, and higher-performing teams.

In a world where the ability to learn and adapt is a critical competitive advantage, practices like the 5/5/5 Learning Roadmap are no longer optional—they’re essential. It’s time to move beyond traditional approaches to professional development and embrace the power of Teamship to elevate our learning, our performance, and ultimately, our success.

Are you ready to revolutionize how your team approaches professional development? The 5/5/5 Learning Roadmap could be the game-changer you’ve been looking for.

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