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The Best Free Fashion Apps For Better Style



The Best Free Fashion Apps For Better Style

You may have apps for your favourite online stores, but have you ever explored the many fashion apps that will make your purchases easier and more savvy?

The worlds of technology and fashion frequently collide, but most laymen haven’t utilised the full potential of apps available on their smart phone.

Those who shop professionally tend to have a number of ‘digital assistants’ on the go, including apps to help them with both buying and styling. We tapped into the apps they’re using to help them on their quest to shop smarter and better. 

If you’re looking for a place to compile a wishlist, it’s Carted. The free app allows you to do away with dozens of open screen tabs, instead compiling and comparing products in one app. Curate lists for items you’re looking for, whether that’s the perfect pair of jeans or a new winter coat, so you can measure-up your options and also receive notifications when they’re on sale. 

The closest thing to the coveted Clueless closet that the app world has devised, Indyx is a wardrobe organising companion that allows you to catalogue your clothes and plan what you’re wearing that week. By logging and tracking what you wear, you can also gain insight into your personal style, and calculate a good cost-per-wear for each item you own.

whering free fashion app

Whering, another digital closet organiser, is very similar to Indyx, but it’s entirely free and with a social component, allowing you to get inspo from a stylish community of app users—or perhaps gather and compare outfits with your friends. You could even get your bestie to style your outfit, by getting them to create and send you a board of their picks. 

Personal shoppers and stylists must understand each client’s style in order to outfit them successfully. And although apps like Carted, Indyx and Whering can help in that space, there really is no better app for making a mood board than Pinterest. Search the app and pin anything that speaks to your personal style, which will help you avoid needless spending on items that won’t fit your flare.

If you’re looking for unique, vintage or designer pieces to fill out a one-of-a-kind wardrobe, the app you need is Depop. The clothing marketplace app is one of the best in the market for tracking down treasures, if you know what you’re looking for.


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