The family business of the Circus Arts
SARASOTA, Fla. (WWSB) – The Circus Arts spans generations of artists and performers. In the business of the circus arts, even people you’re not related to are family. That connection led to Nik Wallenda’s show Wonderland.
The family tree of the circus in Sarasota starts with John Ringling and includes legendary circus clown Lou Jacob to daughter Dolly Jacob. Dolly and her husband, Pedro Reis, founded the Circus Arts Conservatory and Sailor Circus in Sarasota—a place where they mentor the next generations of circus, like Nik and Erendira Wallenda. Nik called Pedro a mentor throughout his entire life.
Nik credits his wife, Erendira, with creating the show called “Wonderland”.
“She’s a visionary”, Wallenda said, “and had this idea of creating a show for here in Sarasota called Wonderland. And as we discussed that in the local market, we both felt in our hearts that the right thing to do would be to come to Pedro and Dolly and ask them if they’d be interested in partnering with us in this endeavor, out of respect, out of great respect for them.
Erendira agrees – She is a visionary.
“I’ll think of these grand ideas, and I’m like, okay, Nicholas, how are we gonna get this done? And he’s the one who kind of, like, takes my dreams and makes them a reality
And Wonderland became real. Then the real work began. Nik and his team built the sets, and the Circus Arts Conservatory was there to help with logistics of getting the big top tent up, and help with the financial side of selling tickets.
One of their stars is Emma Clarke, a graduate of Sailor Circus and the Circus Arts Conservatory. At 19 years old, this is Emma’s second year in Wonderland. Her Mom, Jeniffer Mitchell, who is also COO and Executive Vice President. at Circus Arts Conservatory, said that after graduation, “She went on to a professional career as an aerialist, and her first contract was with Nik and Erendira. I know that Dolly often speaks about how she stands on the shoulders of those before her, and my daughter does as well.
And so the former students, Nik and Erendira, have become the Mentors. An idea they find humbling.
“Well, I’m getting goosebumps as you say that it is”, said Nik. “It’s an honor to be in the position we’re in.”
Erendira noticed something special in Emma Clarke from an early age. “I have children like Emma”, she said, “who have watched me since she was a little baby in the ring. And you could tell that there was something different about her. She had that spark in her little eyes when she watched me. “She’s got something in her that is like passion and fire for the circus
That passion illuminates the wonderland that is the family of the circus arts.
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