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The Internet Finds the Original Backrooms Location



The Internet Finds the Original Backrooms Location

In 2024, everyone and their mother has heard about the concept of Backrooms, a mysterious parallel world one can get enter and get stuck in by noclipping out of reality, which gave birth to heaps of dime-a-dozen horror games designed to unnerve the player with their liminal spaces.

Until recently, however, the original Backrooms photo that kicked off the trend remained an internet mystery. Few people knew its original location, and considering its indistinct appearance and lack of defining characteristics, many thought identifying it would be impossible.

Proving doubters and pessimists wrong, the team of Discord detectives has managed to finally find the iconic location, demonstrating once again that the internet is the living embodiment of the Infinite Monkey theorem – anything can happen given enough time.

Determined to locate the Backrooms, the team scoured the internet for clues and eventually found a 2019 tweet that outright revealed where the photo was taken, making our detective story somewhat anticlimactic, considering that the answer has been lying on the surface all along.

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