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The People Who Won’t Give Up Floppy Disks – Slashdot



The People Who Won’t Give Up Floppy Disks – Slashdot

Slashdot reader quonset writes: The last floppy disk was manufactured in 2011. Despite no new supplies being available for over a decade, there are still people, and organizations, who rely on floppy disks. Each has their own story as to why they rely on what is essentially 1970s technology.
From the BBC:

Tom Persky, a US businessman, has been selling “new”, as in, unopened, floppy disks for years and still finds the trade lucrative. He runs, which offers disks for about US$1 (£0.80) each, though some higher capacity versions cost up to US$10 (£8) per disk, he says. Persky has customers all over the world and you could split them roughly 50-50 into hobbyists and enthusiasts like Espen Kraft on one side, and industrial users on the other. This latter category encompasses people who use computers at work that require floppy disks to function. They are, essentially, locked in to a format that the rest of the world has largely forgotten.

“I sell thousands of floppy disks to the airline industry, still,” says Persky. He declines to elaborate. “Companies are not happy about when I talk about them.” But it is well-known that some Boeing 747s, for example, use floppy disks to load critical software updates into their navigation and avionics computers. While these older aircraft might not be so common in Europe or the US these days, you might find one in the developing world, for instance, Persky hints. There are also pieces of factory equipment, government systems — or even animatronic figures — that still rely on floppy disks.

And in San Francisco, the Muni Metro light railway, which launched in 1980, won’t start up each morning unless the staff in charge pick up a floppy disk and slip it into the computer that controls the railway’s Automatic Train Control System, or ATCS. “The computer has to be told what it’s supposed to do every day,” explains a spokesman for the San Francisco Municipal Transport Agency (SFMTA). “Without a hard drive, there is nowhere to install software on a permanent basis.”

This computer has to be restarted in such a way repeatedly, he adds — it can’t simply be left on, for fear of its memory degrading.

The article also includes this quote from a cybersecurity expert at Pen Test Partners.
“If floppy was the only interface, the only way to get malware on to [the computer] would be via said floppy disk. That’s quite a limiting factor for the attacker…”

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