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The Remnant of Nawlins celebrates 10 years of business



The Remnant of Nawlins celebrates 10 years of business

BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) – Bryan restaurant The Remnant of Nawlins celebrated its 10th anniversary Monday.

Over the past decade, Korey Thomas has brought the flavors of his hometown of New Orleans to the area, serving up Cajun cuisine at his restaurant.

Thomas said he’s grateful for the Bryan community, his personal path to success and for good food.

While the journey wasn’t always easy, Thomas said his transformation over the years wouldn’t have been possible without the support he’s found in Bryan.

“I get a chance to introduce the Brazos Valley and BCS to our culture, and just to be that close-knit community,” he said. “Through the restaurant, opening up my home to everyone, you know? Like, ‘hey, come get something to eat.’”

The Remnant of Nawlins’ story as a community fixture began with loss after the Thomas family’s home was destroyed during Hurricane Katrina, forcing the family west to Texas.

When they arrived, Thomas said they were met with open arms.

“The community opened up their homes and extended that same kind of courtesy to me and my family by taking us in,” he said.

It was their restaurant that helped them rebuild their life.

“The things that we lost during Hurricane Katrina, I look back on it and to see what God brought me today, I’m very grateful,” Thomas added.

As he reflects on his journey following Katrina, Hurricane Beryl, the first hurricane of a projected active season, has made landfall.

It’s a reminder to stay prepared.

“Having water for each person in the home, having food and having a radio – a battery operated radio – available, making sure you have medications and all those things handy,” Red Cross executive director Jennifer Young said.

Community resources like the Red Cross evacuation centers and meals from Twin City Mission helped the Thomas family get back on their feet.

“Through those times, it was the community coming together, BCS coming together, with my restaurant,” Thomas said.

The generosity his family was shown in the aftermath of Katrina inspired Thomas to pay it forward, using food as a way to give back.

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