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The Unexpected Power Of Team Practices In A Hybrid World



The Unexpected Power Of Team Practices In A Hybrid World

A recent “walking meeting” with a colleague took me on a mission through San Francisco’s financial district to procure pastel de natas for a teammate’s birthday celebration. This wasn’t just a sweet treat run; it was a demonstration of a deeply ingrained practice within our team. We celebrate birthdays with personalized treats and celebrations, fostering camaraderie even in our hybrid work environment.

Why Team Practices Matter

In the fast-paced, technology-driven landscape, where screens often dominate our interactions, intentional team practices are more important than ever. They serve as crucial reminders that we are not just colleagues but individuals with unique preferences and personalities. Celebrating milestones like birthdays and work anniversaries strengthens team bonds and fosters a sense of community, counteracting the potential for isolation in a digital-first world.

The Strategic Value of Team Practices

As I discuss in my book, ReCulturing, team and organizational practices are the bedrock of a thriving company culture. Culture is a complex system composed of behaviors, processes, and practices. When these elements are aligned and intentionally cultivated, they create a self-reinforcing cycle that fuels a positive and productive work environment.

Practices encompass a wide range of activities, from communication and collaboration to learning and development, recognition, and relationship building. Empowering teams to develop their own unique practices, while ensuring alignment with the broader organizational culture, is essential for fostering a sense of ownership and engagement. This approach allows for individuality and creativity while maintaining a cohesive company culture.

Evolving Practices for the Modern Workplace

I interviewed Patty McCord, the former Chief Talent Officer at Netflix and co-author of their renowned culture deck, for my book. We discussed the importance of evolving practices to meet the changing needs of the modern workforce. She cautioned against clinging to outdated practices out of nostalgia, advising us to focus on what’s possible in the present. She reminded me that Netflix’s culture deck took over a decade to develop and is still evolving. They are constantly “ReCulturing,” embracing a philosophy of continuous improvement.

The importance of adapting practices has become even more pronounced with the rise of remote and hybrid work models. The impromptu hallway conversations that once facilitated connection and innovation are less frequent in the virtual world. To maintain a strong culture and sense of community in a distributed workforce, we need to be intentional about evolving our practices to meet the unique challenges of this new era. In their 2023 report, O.C. Tanner highlighted that employees with a strong sense of community are 5x more likely to thrive and 11x more likely to be engaged at work.

The Power of Connection

How can we foster connection in this new era of work? Personal celebrations and shared professional goals play a crucial role in combating social fragmentation. Celebrating milestones like birthdays and company anniversaries are powerful ways to build camaraderie and shared purpose.

Our Evolving Team Practices

When my team doubled in size recently, we recognized the need to adapt our practices to meet the evolving needs of our growing team. We shifted from weekly hour-long meetings to biweekly 90-minute sessions, incorporating rotating facilitators who lead team-building activities to foster deeper connections and understanding. We also engage in in-depth reviews of our core accountability document to ensure everyone is aligned on projects, updates, and potential collaborations.

In addition, we’ve implemented several other practices:

  • Weekly Slack check-ins on priorities and wins
  • Bi-annual in-person gatherings
  • Thursday lunches for in-office team members
  • “Thought Leadership Jam Sessions” for the leadership team

These practices are more than just perks; they’re strategic investments in our team’s culture, engagement, and ultimately, our success.

The Bottom Line

Team practices, both big and small, play a vital role in shaping a positive and productive work environment. By intentionally cultivating these practices and adapting them to the changing needs of your team, you can foster a sense of community, and ultimately drive better business results.

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