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This Week’s Full Moon in Aries Will Put Your Intuition to Work



This Week’s Full Moon in Aries Will Put Your Intuition to Work

Full Moons are a time for releasing and relinquishing. If you have an excess in your life, this is the time for it to go down the drain. Through silent meditation, exchanging of thoughts, or spiritual practice, Full Moons are a point when we can let go. October’s full moon in Aries is an astrological hint to reminisce about how much you’ve grown. Following Western astrology, these new and complete Moon guides are monthly reminders to set and review your intentions. Your horoscope is a rudimentary prompt for self-reflection.

This week’s full moon in Aries demands that we stick to our guns, but standing on business can be physically exhausting. We may feel stunted by fear, and when you allow your truth to flow freely, others may struggle to understand you—especially when they haven’t yet embraced their own inner magic. A lot of us want to believe that we’ve fully made sense of the world, but there’s so much to learn, and not enough time to cross-reference what we already do know. It’s an embarrassing and risky way to live, I know. But such is the nature of Aries energy.

Aries, the first sign in the Zodiac, truly characterizes primal energy. While Gemini may like to perceive itself as superior and Libra may strive for objectivity, Aries doesn’t fear inferiority or distance itself from humanity. Instead, Aries moves with confidence, focusing on doing rather than dwelling. During the Full Moon that starts on October 17, 2024, you’ll have the opportunity to stand on your intuition and act.

As the famous psychiatrist Carl Jung once defined it, intuition is the perception we develop from subliminal information we’ve gathered. While we’re encouraged to follow our intuition fearlessly, I urge you to remember that it’s simply a collection of hidden messages. Just because your memory stores information doesn’t mean your perception of it is the ultimate truth. What you see may be far from the full picture.

Under the Full Moon in Aries, you might feel as if your drive is stalled, like you have gas in your car but no clear destination in sight. Even though the world makes us feel as though we must constantly move, trust that you don’t have to unnecessarily create stories. If you don’t feel the need to act or release right now, don’t. Why anticipate an outcome when you have no idea what’s expected of you? If you live by astrological timing, trust that life will move you, rather than you needing to move life.

Read your Sun, Moon, and Rising sign horoscopes for the Full Moon in Aries:


If you don’t just follow your heart and choose peace, then I don’t know what to tell you. You’ve been on a self-help journey and I hope that you’re enjoying every moment. This moment in time looks like a pretty joyous emancipation for many of you. With the full moon squaring Mars in Capricorn, my only advice is to remain aware of your ego.


Somatic exercises can awaken inner knowledge. There is no need to overthink it—trust however you choose to meditate in your body. Whether your peace is found at the park or if your mindfulness flourishes by the water, I welcome you to take time to pay attention to yourself. Work and chores may only be a distraction currently—prioritize your wellness responsibilities.


Pick up your pencil and reflect in your journal. As you progress towards your goals, you’ll have to break down the barriers you’ve built against them. How do you and your deepest wounds hinder your holistic growth, Gemini? This full moon is also teaching you a lesson on the value of community—make sure you’re paying attention to it.


Are you actually frustrated with career matters Cancer, or are you frustrated with *yourself* for not prioritizing your emotions over them? We only fail ourselves when we abandon our self-preservation methods. There is such a thing as hypervigilance, and you might want to consider working to overcome that stress response. But keep in mind that a healthy amount of vigilance is necessary—without it, you may wander down the people-pleasing path.


Your ego will have you acting like the unresolved issues fueling it are going to somehow catalyze your growth. I love you Leo, your energy is an endless source of inspiration and admiration. And no one pulls together a project like you do. But instead of dolling out passive-aggressive comments, let benevolence drive your next decisions. In other words, for the next month, you may find that responding rather than reacting will yield your best results.


Virgo, once you access your untapped intimacy, it can transform your thinking. The best part of relationships is how even when they’re difficult and strip down your illusions about the world, they can still warm your heart. During this full moon, your ability to maintain a healthy relationship with your vulnerable side may help you feel more secure within your partnerships.


This full moon is such an opportune time for you to pick the fruits bearing within your relationships, Libra. While you may have an inexplicable desire to stay within your comfort zone, do your best to differentiate fear from anxiety. Fear is based on a present concern, whereas anxiety is fear over imagined situations. Operating from the latter may sabotage your meaningful relationships.


Right now you might feel inundated by your many goals and responsibilities. Keep your head up, Scorpio! Any self-doubt you may be experiencing probably has more to do with fear of the unknown rather than actual concerns. Take life one day at a time, one task at a time, and one hour at a time. This full moon could mean that it’s full steam ahead on a work opportunity you’re pursuing!


Your days spent holding your tongue might be numbered, and that’s a great thing! Sagittarius, many of you are known for being straightforward and natural leaders, which can inspire many admirers…and haters. As a result, you might find yourself going back and forth between periods of speaking up and having fun, and those in full hermit mode. If you’re currently laying low, just know that your lively side is being summoned! And instead of looking for the outcome, focus on enjoying the present!


Right now, you might want to carefully consider your living situation and how you relate to your family. As your wounds begin to resurface, within each one identify a reason to grow and evolve. Often our families indirectly teach us how we must become resilient. Deepening your understanding of how they taught you to manage your emotions may help you figure out how to better wield your inner magic.


Your deepest wounds are your greatest teachers, Aquarius. As the asteroid Chiron orbits in retrograde within your house of early life lessons, you’re going back to the basics in understanding your health and work ethic. This essential work is a part of your life path, and the lessons you learn will help improve your self-concept.


Right now you’re really observing how unnecessarily hard people can be on themselves. Be mindful that the battles that concern those around you need not be your war. Your focus during the rest of 2024 should be to unearth your values and morals. How you see the world significantly affects your relationships, Pisces.

Monisha “Six” Holmes is an astrologer and Master of Social Work (MSW) who covers love, relationships, and wellness. She earned her MSW at Columbia University, where she specialized in contemporary social issues. Aside from writing, Monisha is the founder of Black Women Being, a media platform aimed at promoting wellness, spirituality, and justice.
Follow her on YouTube.

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