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Transforming Flora Into High Fashion – Atmos



Transforming Flora Into High Fashion – Atmos

For their latest project, Bangkok-based artist, set designer, and stylist Eric Tobua and photographer Fee-Gloria Grönemeyer came together to explore zero waste, sustainability, and decomposition by fashioning plants into garments.


As an internationally recognized artist known for creating imagery about the human body, Tobua’s work typically offers representational and performative metaphors of contemporary culture, blending fantasy with reality. Grönemeyer’s photography, on the other hand, integrates classical inspirations with modern settings, creating narratives that challenge conventions. Her approach addresses social topics and environmental issues by positioning each photograph as a thoughtfully crafted piece of art.


In their newest project, titled Leaf It, they use only plants and compostable materials to combine their creative visions in order to present the materials with elegance. In so doing, they showcase the uniqueness of each plant while shedding light on the expansive possibilities of sustainable fashion.

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