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US Climate Corps Offers New Jobs in Green Transition



US Climate Corps Offers New Jobs in Green Transition

According to Maggie Thomas, special assistant for climate to President Joe Biden, the program’s primary goal is to prepare young individuals to deploy clean energy solutions, protect natural landscapes, and enhance community resilience. This initiative reflects the administration’s commitment to environmental sustainability and economic recovery.

Positions within the ACC vary widely, offering opportunities such as installing solar panels, maintaining trails along the Appalachian Trail, and engaging in wildfire management. For instance, the Appalachian Mountain Club offers jobs maintaining remote sites for $15 per hour, while a nonprofit in San Jose recruits tree care specialists at $17.65 per hour. In Kirtland, Ohio, participants can join the Lawn Busters program, transforming turf lawns into pollinator-friendly landscapes for $12.94 an hour. These roles are typically short-term, ranging from three months to a year, providing practical training for future careers in the burgeoning green economy.

The ACC program is currently presenting over 350 job opportunities across 37 states, including Washington DC and Puerto Rico, with state-level programs in thirteen states such as Arizona, California, and Colorado. These jobs are not only diverse—ranging from urban tree mapping to nutrition education in Puerto Rico—but also in location, with some requiring car camping or remote backcountry stays.

Eligibility for these positions generally requires a high school diploma, with some demanding college experience. The program is inclusive, and open to U.S. citizens, nationals, or permanent residents, emphasizing that these opportunities are available to all Americans, regardless of their background.

Salaries are competitive, aligning with at least the local minimum wage, and many roles offer additional benefits like living stipends, food, transportation assistance, and up to $7,000 in educational funds to Support further education or student loans.

As of June, the ACC has successfully placed 9,000 individuals in these new roles, with an expectation to recruit an additional 11,000 by the end of its inaugural year. This surge in employment not only aids in climate action but also builds a supportive community for young people passionate about making a tangible impact on the environment.

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