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Vermilion County Works Hoping to Keep Jobs Numbers Going in Right Direction after Quaker Closing is Factored In



Vermilion County Works Hoping to Keep Jobs Numbers Going in Right Direction after Quaker Closing is Factored In

The numbers recently released by the Illinois Department of Employment Security showed the third month in a row of jobs picture improvements for both Vermilion County and Danville, with the unemployment rate once again dropping.  And while some might say; wait a minute, what about those who have lost jobs at locations such as Quaker Oaks and Red Lobster; the answer is that those numbers have not been figured in yet.

As Vermilion County Works Director Chuck Jones reminds us, the latest March to April numbers were for the time period before the Quaker Oats employees are officially unemployed.  And for that matter, next month’s April to May numbers, when released, will also be in that category.

AUDIO: The numbers you’re seeing were from April, and technically the employees at Quaker were still employed during the month of April, and will continue to be employed through the month of May; until the official June 8th termination date.

Vermilion Advantage CEO Mike Marron says things seemed to be moving in the right direction prior to what happened at Quaker Oats.  So now, the key is, keeping them moving in the right direction after those numbers are figured in.  Marron says the  way to do that is keep offering training for jobs that are available in Vermilion County; and Vermilion County Works is there to help people find the training they need.  Marron says simply finding people remains the number one priority.

AUDIO: One of the great challenges we face in this community is having available workforce.  We’ve got a lot of open positions at other good employers in the area that we haven’t been able to fill.  So, hopefully, we’re able to get people trained, get those displaced workers the job training that they need, and get them good quality paying positions.

And once again, Vermilion County Works’ Chuck Jones reminds you to stop by their office in the American Job Center building at 407 North Franklin in Danville, or call them at 217-442-0296.  They can connect you to training that will help you, or to training you might be interested in.  Jones recently told us that a lot of job seekers have asked about HVAC and health care training, or about obtaining their commercial driver’s license.



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