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Virgo Weekly Horoscope



Virgo Weekly Horoscope

WEEK OF May 13 – 19, 2024

Get ready for a week of quantum leaps, Virgo, whether there’s a net to catch you or not! Five planets are whizzing through Taurus and your ninth house of expansion and global adventures. The action begins on Monday, May 13, as the illuminating Sun makes its annual merger with transformational Uranus. While this is a yearly event, from 2018 to 2025, it’s happening in Taurus and your ninth house of travel, adventure and expansion. Don’t expect gentle, gradual shifts. With radical Uranus in the mix, developments could come from out of the blue—and fast! To truly capitalize on this, you have to be ready to shed your old skin and step into a new and exciting future.

Got a big idea? (Of course you do: This is your visionary ninth house!) Go ahead and get the party started—or the business launched—yourself. With every committed step, you signal your intention to the universe, and from there, things can happen very quickly. You may align with people in other time zones or parts of the world, so make sure you have the necessary apps to talk to anyone, anywhere. And if you’ve been wavering about taking a class or workshop to bring your skills up to speed, this revolutionary transit could illuminate the perfect one.

You’ll certainly be craving adventure starting Wednesday, when your ruler, fleet-footed Mercury, jets into Taurus and your ninth house of travel and global escapades until June 3. After Mercury’s long slog through Aries and your mysterious eighth house, you may feel like you’re emerging from a two-month silent retreat. Whatever invitation comes your way, just say yes (or at least “soon”)! No dangling offers? No problem! Go visit a friend or relative in that place you’re dying to see—or take the plunge and travel solo. This Mercury position makes you even more of an info junkie, so if you can’t go off-the-grid, you can still expand your cultural and intellectual vistas by attending lectures, provocative film fests and other thought-provoking activities.

On Saturday, your love life gets a dose of Miracle-Gro when love planet Venus connects to experimental Uranus in Taurus. Be open to people who don’t speak the same native language or live in a zip code that’s not a quick drive across town. Coupled Virgos could suddenly feel liberated from an issue you’ve been obsessing over. What WAS the big deal anyway? No need to ruminate on that. Put your focus on the future and repair any rifts by making new memories together.

Saturday is also 2024’s Day of Miracles, as the radiant Sun and globally expansive Jupiter host their annual summit. For the first time in over a decade, it’s happening in Taurus and your nomadic ninth house. Broadening your horizons feels inevitable, whether you’re exploring a new corner of the world or diving into coursework that expands your worldview. Or both. Maybe it’s time to plan a vacation with a spiritual or educational component; something that deepens your interest in life’s great mysteries. You don’t have to rush off for immediate departure. Committing to your personal growth in SOME way makes this big idea a reality. Could you put a down payment on a summer retreat? Fill out your grad school application or sign up for teacher training that begins later this spring? But if you’re ready NOW, leap! The Sun and Jupiter don’t simply reward action. These risk-takers compel you out of the comfort zone, which is where the REAL change happens. So if you know that you want to try something and you’re also a little bit nervous, well, this could very well be the trailhead of a life-changing path.

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