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We lost 38 stone between us



We lost 38 stone between us

It was only when I met Aimee, my now fiancée and the mother of my two children, that I began to properly reflect on my bad habits. My alcohol and drug usage was totally out of hand. She gave me an ultimatum: either you sort yourself out or this relationship comes to an end. I went to rehab for a month and have been sober since. Cutting out alcohol and drugs was the catalyst for so many changes in my life.

During treatment, they warned me against exercising too much, knowing my addictive personality. Like alcohol, drugs, sugar and nicotine, even something as positive as exercise can become an obsession. But gradually, I found my way back into it. 

I started slow – lifting weights two to three times a week. After dropping 10kg, I began running. Now, exercise is a daily occurrence, whether it’s taking the dog out for a walk or resistance training or going for a run. 

Other than sobriety, being active is the number one thing that has benefitted my mental health. Exercise has always been my passion, but I lost it for a while and getting it back has been life-changing. After relying so heavily on processed food, I started to eat more whole foods. This was so much easier without alcohol. I wasn’t drinking empty calories or craving crisps, chocolate and takeaways.  

It hasn’t all been smooth sailing. I still have cognitive behavioural therapy, am currently getting tests for bipolar and attend AA and NA groups. There are friends of mine who I used to drink with that I don’t see as much of anymore. Going into environments where everybody is drinking can be tiring and I often find that the next day my energy levels are lower than normal. 

Now I have a close-knit group of friends who are also into fitness. We go for runs together and if I’m struggling I know they’re there for me. I’m a dad to two amazing children and want to set a good example. Alongside my partner, who was already in the fitness industry, we’ve started Omni Wellness Group. It offers personal training, online coaching, wellness retreats and meal plans. I want others to see how powerful good food and exercise can be to change your life. The happier and healthier I am, the better dad I can be. 

What I ate before 

Breakfast: Coffee and a pastry 

Lunch: Meal deal consisting of crisps, sandwich and a fizzy drink 

Snack: Chocolate bar 

Dinner: Takeaway pizza 

Drinks: Guinness, wine and tequila with pineapple juice 

What I eat now

Breakfast: Overnight oats with berries and nut butter or smoked salmon with eggs and avocado

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