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Weekly Horoscope, April 29 to May 5, 2024: Astrological Prediction for All Zodiac Signs – News18



Weekly Horoscope, April 29 to May 5, 2024: Astrological Prediction for All Zodiac Signs – News18


Ganesha says that this week is of auspiciousness and success for Aries people. Your planned work will be completed on time from the beginning of the week. You will get complete support from close friends. Plans will be made to buy new items at the beginning of the week. There will be an atmosphere of happiness due to the arrival of luxuries-related things in the house. This week is going to be very auspicious for employed people.

If you are thinking of changing your job, you will get a good opportunity. During this period, your financial condition is going to be very good. Previous investments will be profitable. You will be successful in court-related matters. Your opponents will themselves come to you for reconciliation. This week is going to be favourable for you in terms of love relationships. You will get opportunities to spend pleasant moments with your love partner. Married life will be happy. You can go to any long or short-distance tourist destination with your spouse. Health will be normal.

  • Lucky Colour: Pink
  • Lucky Number: 13


Ganesha says that the first week of this month is going to be favorable for the Taurus people. This week you will be able to easily solve all the problems due to which you were troubled for the last few days. With the help of a senior person, misunderstandings with family members or close friends will be resolved. The business class will get favourable results in business matters. Will take steps towards expanding business. Your work will be appreciated in the workplace. You may get some big responsibility, which may increase your busyness in completing it. However, in this, you will get full support from both seniors and juniors.

Jobs will become an extra source of income for people. However, a lot of money will also be spent on things related to luxuries. You can get the pleasure of land, buildings, and vehicles. Obstacles related to ancestral property will be removed. In the second half of the week, any concern related to your health and children may bother you. In a love relationship, you will see better bonding with your love partner. Trust and love will increase with your love partner. Married life will be happy. Special attention will have to be paid to daily routine and eating habits.

  • Lucky Colour: Orange
  • Lucky Number: 9


Ganesha says that at the beginning of the week, people of the Gemini zodiac sign will heave a sigh of relief when some major problem is resolved. Removal of the enemy, fear, or obstacle will bring peace to the mind. Misunderstandings arising with seniors or juniors at the workplace will be resolved. With the help of a female friend, you will get an opportunity to join benefit schemes. Business people’s money stuck in the market will come out unexpectedly. If you have been thinking of starting a new business for a long time, then this week you can take steps in this direction with the help of well-meaning friends.

People associated with politics were about to get some post or important responsibility and their wait may increase a little longer. Be careful of your opponents at work in the second half of the week as they may try to spoil your work. During this time, a major mistake or loss may occur due to haste. In such a situation, do everything carefully. Drive the vehicle carefully, otherwise, there is a possibility of injury. Move ahead thoughtfully in love relationships and avoid ignoring your love partner’s feelings. Married life will be happy amid bitter and sweet disputes.

  • Lucky Colour: Black
  • Lucky Number: 5


Ganesha says that the first week of this month is going to be very important for people with the Cancer zodiac sign. At the beginning of the week, you can make a major decision related to your career, business, or life. You can get great relief in any court-related matter that has been causing trouble for some time. It is possible that with the help of some influential person, the matter may be resolved outside the court. Working women may find it difficult to balance home and work at the beginning of the week. However, amidst this problem, you will get full support from your spouse.

In the second half of the week, you may have to travel long or short distances for business or some work. The journey will prove pleasant and profitable. During this time, you will get the full support of luck. Plans for business expansion will come to fruition. People preparing for exam competitions may get some good news. This week is going to be mixed in terms of love relationships. This week the process of convincing and convincing your love partner will continue. Married life will be happy. Your spouse will become your support when facing any difficulty related to life.

  • Lucky Colour: Yellow
  • Lucky Number: 11


Ganesha says that this week is going to be a mixed one for Leo people. At the beginning of the week, your mind will be a little sad and troubled due to an argument with a loved one. To avoid any such situation this week, you will have to control your speech and nature. At the beginning of the week, some problems may suddenly arise in front of you in the workplace, which you will have to solve with great patience and discretion, otherwise, you may have to face losses. During this period, journeys undertaken for work will prove to be very tiring and less fruitful than expected.

You will have to take special care of your health and luggage during the journey. You may meet an influential person in the middle of the week. With the help of this, there will be opportunities to join benefit schemes in the future. During this time, avoid the habit of leaving today’s work for tomorrow, otherwise the opportunity may be lost. This week, your mind will remain restless due to difficulties in meeting your love partner. Married life will be happy.

  • Lucky Colour: Purple
  • Lucky Number: 3


Ganesha says that this week is going to be like the fulfillment of dreams for the people of the Virgo zodiac sign. You may get some good news from your children at the beginning of the week. This will create an atmosphere of happiness in the house and respect will increase in the society. At the beginning of the week, you can go on a pilgrimage or tourist area with your family. During this time, most of your time is going to be spent laughing and singing with your loved ones. If you have been thinking of buying something related to luxury for a long time, then your dream can be fulfilled this week. While making any major decision related to the family, you will get special support and cooperation from your father.

This week will prove to be auspicious for goal-oriented job seekers and they will be able to achieve their goals easily. There will be new sources of income for employed people. You will get the support of both seniors and juniors at the workplace. There will be profit and desired expansion in business. Those who were thinking of doing business or a career related to abroad may get to hear some good news. This week is going to be very auspicious for you in terms of love relationships. This week you may get a surprise gift from your love partner. Married life will be happy. Newly married couples may be blessed with children. Health will be normal.

  • Lucky Colour: Brown
  • Lucky Number: 1


Ganesha says that people of the Libra zodiac sign should do their work themselves this week instead of leaving it to others. If you do business in partnership, then keep a close eye on money-related matters and business, otherwise you may have to face huge financial losses. Employed people also need to be very cautious this week. Your opponents at work may try to hinder your work. Although in the second half of the week, the circumstances will seem favourable to you and your planned tasks will start getting completed, before that, you will need to do all your work very carefully and thoughtfully.

Students who are preparing for exam competition may get distracted from their studies. They will need extra hard work to achieve the desired success. If you are thinking of starting some new work, then before taking any step in that direction, definitely take advice from a well-wisher or an expert. Love relationships will be normal. While facing any challenge related to life, your love partner will be seen standing with you like a shadow. Married life will be happy. This week you will need to pay special attention to your health and daily routine, otherwise, you may become a victim of seasonal illness.

  • Lucky Colour: Green
  • Lucky Number: 4


Ganesha says that people of Scorpio zodiac sign will have to be cautious of known and unknown enemies and opponents this week. In such a situation, be very careful while doing any work. Do not reveal your plans in any way before they are completed in the workplace, otherwise your opponents may create obstacles in them. However, due to a lack of luck this week, you may have to face many problems in the workplace. In business, you may have to face tough competition from your competitors. However, during this time you will have to avoid making any wrong decision due to someone’s provocation or provocation.

In the second half of the week, there may be physical pain due to the emergence of seasonal or any old disease. During this period, your mind will remain troubled due to sudden obstacles in your work. If you are not getting the desired success in any work then it would be better to wait for the right time. From the love point of view, this week you need to be a little careful. Do not make any such mistake due to someone’s provocation, which will harm your and your family’s reputation. Married life will be happy.

  • Lucky Colour: Cream
  • Lucky Number: 7


Ganesha says that this week can sometimes be happy and sometimes sad for Sagittarius people. At the beginning of the week, you will be happy with the great success of a family member and your respect will increase due to his progress, on the other hand, your opponents in your workplace will try to trouble you by creating obstacles in your work. During this time, you will need to have a lot of control over your anger and speech. In the middle of the week, you will be able to pay less attention to your career and business due to problems related to personal life. Due to this, work at both these places will be affected. During this time, there will be a feeling of disappointment in the mind due to not getting timely help from close friends.

However, things will seem to be back on track by the second half of the week and during this time, new sources of income will be created with the help of a friend. Even at the workplace, your superiors will extend a helping hand to you. Your love partner will prove to be very helpful in the ups and downs of life, which will further increase your attachment towards them. Married life will be happy. Traveling with your spouse and worshiping at a religious place is possible. There will be a need to take great care of health and daily routine.

  • Lucky Colour: Red
  • Lucky Number: 5


Ganesha says that this week is going to be a mixed one for Capricorn people. The problems which have been bothering you for the last few weeks are going to persist this week also. In such a situation, you will need to find solutions with great patience and discretion. During this time, while investing money in any scheme or business, do not forget to take advice from an expert and avoid making distant losses in nearby gains. During this period, take special care while driving, otherwise there is a possibility of injury.

If you do business in partnership, keep in mind that excessive trust in others can prove harmful to you. Long or short-distance travel for work is possible in the middle of the week. In the second half of the week, employed people may get transferred to some unwanted place, due to which they may have to face problems. During this period, your mind will be troubled by unnecessary expenses. In terms of love relationships, this week you will need to proceed very thoughtfully. To clear any misunderstanding with your love partner, take the initiative yourself. Your married life will be normal with little to no disputes.

  • Lucky Colour: Blue
  • Lucky Number: 15


Ganesha says that this week, people of Aquarius zodiac will need to put in extra effort and hard work to complete their work on time at the workplace. At the beginning of the week, your planned work will be completed on time and you will get full support from your close friends, but any sudden big obstacle in the middle of the work will become a major cause of your trouble. During this time, you should avoid leaving your work to someone else, otherwise you may have to face huge financial losses.

Employed people will also need to be cautious of their secret enemies. During this time, you may have differences with colleagues, in such a situation it would be better not to give importance to small things. In such a situation, invest money wisely in any scheme or business, otherwise, you may have to face financial loss later. This week cannot be called favourable for you in terms of love affairs. Your love relationship may be affected due to the entry of a third person or misunderstanding. Do not make any decision related to a love affair in anger or under the influence of emotions.

  • Lucky Colour: Purple
  • Lucky Number: 2


Ganesha says that this week the people of Pisces will get the full support of luck. At the beginning of the week, journeys undertaken in connection with career business will prove to be pleasant and profitable. Meeting an influential person this week will be a major source of profit in the future. At the beginning of the week, some puja or auspicious program may take place at home. During this period, most of your time will be spent on religious-social work. Employed people will get respect in the workplace. Some big position or responsibility may unexpectedly fall into your lap.

In the second half of the week, you will be successful in removing the complications related to your life. The decision in the case pending in the court may come in your favour. At the end of the week, you will get to hear some good news related to children, which will also increase your respect. This week is going to be extremely favourable for you in terms of love relationships. If you want to express your love to someone, then doing so will make your point. Those who are already in a love affair will have better coordination with their love partner and will spend time happily. Married life will be happy. This week is going to be normal from a health point of view.

  • Lucky Colour: White
  • Lucky Number: 8.

(The author Chirag Daruwalla is the son of Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla)

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