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When to Work Out: Morning or Evening? Study Reveals Best Times for Optimal Fitness Results | BOXROX



When to Work Out: Morning or Evening? Study Reveals Best Times for Optimal Fitness Results | BOXROX

A recent study has unveiled that the timing of your workout could significantly impact your fitness outcomes. Conducted over 12 weeks, the research involved 47 active participants—27 women and 20 men—who were monitored to observe how morning and evening exercises influenced their fitness progress, including strength, body composition, and health markers.

Morning Workouts: Boost Your Lower-Body Power and Burn Fat

For women who engaged in morning workouts between 6 to 8 a.m., the study found notable improvements in lower-body power, especially in exercises like jump squats. Moreover, these early risers experienced significant reductions in total and abdominal fat.

Importantly, these body composition changes occurred without any notable weight loss, emphasizing the specific benefits of morning training for fat loss and lower-body strength.

Evening Workouts: Enhance Upper-Body Strength and Muscle Growth

In contrast, women who worked out in the evening from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. saw better results in terms of upper-body strength, power, and endurance. Although they also reduced their total body fat, the reduction was less significant than that observed in the morning group. Instead, evening exercises promoted greater muscle growth, which can be a key factor for those aiming to increase muscle mass and overall strength.

Men’s Fitness: Comparable Results with Evening Benefits

For men, the study found that evening workouts provided the same benefits as morning exercises in terms of body composition. However, men who worked out in the evening experienced a more significant reduction in blood pressure, highlighting an additional health benefit of exercising later in the day.

Optimizing Your Workout Schedule

Given these findings, it’s clear that timing your workouts can be a strategic tool in achieving specific fitness goals. Whether you aim to lose fat, build muscle, or improve specific strength metrics, aligning your workout time with these objectives can yield better results.

  1. For Fat Loss and Lower-Body Strength (Women): Morning workouts are more effective.
  2. For Upper-Body Strength and Muscle Growth (Women): Evening workouts provide superior results.
  3. For Overall Health and Fitness (Men): Both morning and evening workouts are beneficial, with evening workouts offering added cardiovascular benefits.

Integrating Probiotics for Enhanced Health

Beyond exercise, maintaining a balanced diet and incorporating probiotics can further support your fitness journey. Probiotics like Bifidobacterium lactis B420 have been shown to improve digestion and reduce abdominal fat, making them a valuable addition to your wellness routine.


The study underscores the importance of not just working out, but working out at the right time to maximize your fitness results. By tailoring your workout schedule to your specific fitness goals, you can achieve more targeted and effective outcomes. Regardless of when you choose to exercise, the most critical factor remains consistency and making fitness a priority in your daily routine.

Key Takeaways

Workout Timing Best For Additional Benefits
Morning (6-8 a.m.) Fat loss, lower-body strength (women) Significant abdominal fat reduction
Evening (6:30-8:30 p.m.) Upper-body strength, muscle growth (women) Better muscle growth and endurance
Evening (men) Similar benefits to morning workouts Significant blood pressure reduction
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