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Why GenAI is a Data Deletion and Privacy Nightmare



Why GenAI is a Data Deletion and Privacy Nightmare

The clue you need to understand the LinkedIn OptIn scandal

Trying to remove training data once it has been baked into a large language model is like trying to remove sugar once it has been baked into a cake. You’ll have to trash the cake and start over…

Over the last couple of days, non-EU LinkedIn users were appalled to discover that they had been stealthily opted in to allow LinkedIn and its affiliates to train content creation generative AI (GenAI) models on their content. In yesterday’s blog post, I explained what happened during LinkedIn OptIn and how you opt out. Find that here in Part 1.

Here in Part 2, I explain why the story has everything to do with data deletion laws. Here’s the summary version:

When your data has been used to train a GenAI model, data deletion cannot be (feasibly) guaranteed even if it is your legal right as a user. And when it comes to content you’ve poured your heart

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