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World Earth Day 2024: Everything about this planet’s ‘natural beauty’



World Earth Day 2024: Everything about this planet’s ‘natural beauty’

World Earth Day, also known as International Mother Earth Day, is a popular event celebrated all over the world to promote environmental sustainability and awareness. Earth Day is being observed on Monday, April 22, 2024, this year. 

Aerial photographs of the planet’s “natural landscapes and rich biodiversity” were featured in the Google Doodle for Earth Day 2024, highlighting the significance of preserving these wonders for future generations. “The Google letters showcase some of the places across the globe where people, communities and governments work every day to help protect the planet’s natural beauty, biodiversity and resources,” reads the description.

World Earth Day: History 

The late 1960s saw a rise in public debate about environmental issues, with Rachel Carson’s influential book ‘Silent Spring’ (1962) and ‘the Santa Barbara oil spill’ (1969) raising awareness of environmental destruction. This was the beginning of the concept of Earth Day.

After peace activist John McConnell proposed the idea of celebrating a day in honour of the Earth and peace at a 1969 UNESCO conference, where it began as a national teach-in on the environment led by Senator Gaylord Nelson and activist Denis Hayes, it was officially recognized in the United States in 1972.

They chose April 22 as a weekday between Spring Break and Final Exams to get the most students involved. Since then, it has been celebrated every year on April 22 regardless of the day of the week.

World Earth Day 2024: Theme

This year, the issue of plastic pollution is the primary focus of Earth Day. The year 2024’s theme is “Planet vs. Plastics,” highlighting the health and environmental hazards posed by plastic. 

Every year, millions of tons of plastic waste end up in oceans and landfills. This plastic enters the food chain, harms wildlife, and pollutes our environment.

Earth Day: Importance

In this day and age of growing environmental concerns, diminishing natural resources, and severe climate change, World Earth Day became more significant than ever. It not only draws attention to the growing problems, but it also serves as a crucial platform for spreading word about these problems and motivating people all over the world to take action. 

It serves as a reminder that businesses, governments, communities, and individuals all share a responsibility for the health of the planet and must collaborate to achieve this goal.

First Published: Apr 22 2024 | 1:05 PM IST

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