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Your Daily Horoscope, by Madame Clairevoyant: October 10, 2024



Your Daily Horoscope, by Madame Clairevoyant: October 10, 2024

Jazz Jennings, a Libra.
Photo-Illustration: by The Cut; Photo: Getty Images

This afternoon, the first-quarter moon in Capricorn introduces a note of tension into your day as your desires clash with the realities of the world. It could be that you disagree with someone close to you or you’re just frustrated by your lot in life. You want so much more, and you can’t figure out how to get it. You’re likely to feel irritated and blocked — but there is a way through the conflicts that arise, and you’ll be stronger on the other side.

You try to be straightforward about your feelings — hiding them only leads to trouble, in your experience. But that doesn’t mean you’re a completely open book; even you have feelings you’d prefer not to discuss, sides to your personality that you’re not proud of. Today, though, your full self will shine through in all its complexity. Instead of tying yourself up in knots trying to hide who you really are or what you really want, you may as well be honest. People will probably see the truth anyway.

Even if you’re generally satisfied with your life, you may be overcome by restlessness today. You can’t stop thinking about all the different choices you could have made along the way and the different lives you might have led. It’s easy to imagine that all the alternate realities you gave up would be better than the life you’re actually living, but the truth is none of them would have been perfect. Explore different possibilities if you like, but don’t discount all the things you have going for you.

You’re emotionally resilient and know how to bounce back quickly from failure. If a job doesn’t work out, there will be more in the future; if a relationship sours, you’ll meet other people who can love you the way you need. Today, though, disappointment is likely to cut more deeply than usual. You could start to worry that this is how things will always feel and that you’re running out of chances — but it isn’t true. You’re learning and making progress all the time, even when it doesn’t feel that way.

No matter how strong and supportive your closest relationships are, lately a part of you feels something important is missing. There’s some deeper connection you’re longing for, validation or attention you aren’t getting. The “simplest” solution would be to make yourself stop needing it at all, but you’ve tried that and it hasn’t worked. So today, it’s time for the harder — but potentially more rewarding — work of communicating, adjusting, and changing your life to better meet your needs.

Everywhere you look today, you’ll see things you wish you could change. From the little issues in your living space to the overarching problems with society, everything just seems wrong. Fixating on every problem won’t help — and it won’t make you feel any better, either. But trying to ignore them will make you feel even worse. So instead of stressing yourself out while you sit idle, pick one or two actions you can take that will make the world — or your own small corner of it — better.

People are always telling you to “just be yourself,” but you sometimes suspect they wouldn’t actually like your real self very much. You know how critical some people (including yourself) can be, and it’s nerve-racking to imagine them turning their judgmental gaze on you. But the only thing to do is push through that fear and live authentically in spite of it. Trying to please everyone will only make you miserable, so you may as well do what feels right to you.

As you try to think through the challenges in your life today, you may end up concluding that all the blame can be traced back to you. You start to imagine that if only you were somehow different, wiser, or more talented, then none of your problems would exist. But that’s not really true, of course: Everybody goes through hard times, no matter how smart or “good” they are. There will inevitably be bumps in the road; your job is simply to keep doing your best.

Today, you may get drawn into an argument with someone you care about. It can be destabilizing to find yourself at odds with someone you’re normally in sync with, but you’re not about to change your mind just to keep the peace — your opinions are the result of serious thought, and you won’t alter them without good reason. Still, be willing to hear your friend out. Their perspective is probably every bit as deeply considered as yours, and sometimes a thoughtful challenge can help you clarify your own thinking.

Most of the time, you welcome change with good humor and a sense of adventure. Today, though, you’re likely to feel uncharacteristically resistant to it. You’ve worked hard to build the life you have now, imperfect as it is, and you worry that any change would be a downgrade. But holding tight to what you have won’t make you feel more secure, only more anxious. Trust that when change comes, you’ll be strong enough to handle it.

When you set your sights on a goal, you’re unstoppable. If others don’t want to help or if they think you’re being rash or foolish, you’ll most likely keep barreling ahead anyway. You understand that waiting around for permission or approval means you may end up waiting forever. Today, though, you may be reminded that there are trade-offs to this approach and that stubbornly going your own way can lead to conflict and stress. This doesn’t mean you should turn back or give up. Disagreements are normal, so talk through these.

Today, you may have a difficult time balancing your need for independence with your longing for connection. One part of you doesn’t want anybody to get too close for fear they’ll start impinging on your space and making demands. Yet another side of you wants to be seen and loved. So try to be patient with the people in your life if they start to get on your nerves. They’re doing their best to love you, even if it sometimes feels like too much.

Even though you know you’re surrounded by people who love you, sometimes it doesn’t feel that way. It can seem to you like you’re always on the margins of the social circle, like you’re the one who doesn’t quite fit into the group. Others probably don’t see it that way; you matter more to them than you may realize. So if you need care you’re not getting, don’t hesitate to say so — if you bottle up your feelings of insecurity now, they’re likely to spill over later.

Buy Claire Comstock-Gay’s book, Madame Clairevoyant’s Guide to the Stars, here.

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