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Your Daily Horoscope by Madame Clairevoyant: October 4, 2024



Your Daily Horoscope by Madame Clairevoyant: October 4, 2024

Fran Drescher, a Libra.
Photo-Illustration: by The Cut; Photo: Getty Images

Problems in your life — and especially in your relationships — may appear unsolvable lately. Everyone’s interests seem to be at odds, the distance between them too vast. Today, though, Venus in Scorpio and Saturn in Pisces lend some much-needed support in finding real, practical solutions. You don’t need to fix the whole problem in one go, you just need to take small, useful steps toward a solution.

It can feel necessary, sometimes, to hide how you really feel. It isn’t that you’re afraid of conflict itself, but that you worry about the repercussions that could follow. You fear that you’ll say things you can’t take back, that the course of your life will change irrevocably. But today, that might not be the worst thing that could happen. A really deep, honest conversation might be just what you needed to restore intimacy with an old friend — or it might give you the push you needed to make a tough but necessary change.

You’re loyal by nature, and it’s one of your best qualities. Sometimes, though, it means that you end up staying in jobs, friendships, or relationships far longer than is healthy. Today, think about your commitments, and make sure they’re all still working for you. If not, it doesn’t mean you need to immediately jump ship. Instead, take this opportunity to have a serious conversation about what you need but aren’t getting. Don’t be scared to bring it up: The people who really love you want to know how to make you happy.

It’s possible that your relationships have been feeling a little dull lately. Conversations keep treading the same old ground, and nothing new ever seems to break through the tedium. But if you want different things to talk about, you need to do things differently first. You could take on a project around the house, or sign up for a class, or start a new hobby. Even going to a different coffee shop instead of your usual spot could be enough to shake things up. You don’t need to do anything major, as long as it’s new.

Sometimes when a relationship feels unsatisfying, your impulse is to try to force a change. Maybe you put pressure on the other person to behave differently, maybe you try to push yourself to feel differently about the situation. Either way, it tends to lead to frustration. Human beings are complicated; other people are rarely exactly who you want them to be, and no amount of wishing can change that. Today, if you stop trying to impose your own ideas on other people, it’ll be easier to appreciate them for who they are.

There’s a part of you that feels like you’re running out of time to achieve your dreams, to find happiness, simply to live well. But the more you demand of yourself, the less capable you feel; the more you try to rush, the less progress you seem to make. Today, the best thing you can do is turn down the pressure. Navigating the world is difficult, and you’ve carved out a beautiful life for yourself in spite of everything. Give yourself a bit more credit, and take a moment to enjoy what you have.

Your mind is busy and active, full of questions and observations about the world around you. But while there’s always something interesting going on inside your head, you tend to keep your best ideas to yourself, at least at first. Today, make a point of letting others in on what you’re thinking. Maybe your friends can help you think through a problem, maybe you’ll impress someone important with your quick wit, or maybe you’ll simply find it enjoyable to bat ideas around together. For now, collaboration will be much more rewarding than trying to do all your thinking alone.

Lots of new elements have been introduced to your life lately: Different people, opportunities, feelings. And while it’s exciting, even the most positive changes can introduce an element of instability, requiring you to shift your daily routines, update your long-term plans, or adjust to a different mindset. So today, take a break from altering anything else if you can help it. You deserve a moment to settle and reset your equilibrium. It can take a little time to get used to even the most long-awaited changes, so don’t rush to shift anything else just yet.

 It’s easy to be convinced — whether by other people, a broader cultural attitude, or your own inner critic — that you can’t really expect to be fulfilled by your relationships, that the most you can hope for is something “good enough.” But lately, you’ve been learning (or re-learning) that your deepest needs and desires can’t just be switched off, and at the very least, you owe it to yourself to try. Today, stop trying to talk yourself out of wanting the life you want.

When you bury your feelings — whether because you don’t think others would be willing to listen, or because you don’t understand them yourself — it can seem for a while as if they’ve gone away. Eventually, though, they’ll always come back. So today, it’s time to be honest. If you’re unhappy, or if you need something more than you’re getting, stop pretending you’re fine. You don’t need to initiate a big confrontation if you aren’t ready — it’s enough to admit how you’re feeling to yourself, honestly and without hedging.

Most of the time, you’re able to keep a cool head, dealing with issues thoughtfully and with good judgment. Lately, though, it’s been difficult. Everything feels impossibly urgent, all your decisions seem make or break, and heavy emotions make it hard to trust your own judgment. Today, instead of flailing around on your own, ask a friend or two for help. They might see the problem more clearly than you right now — plus, in working through an issue together, you’ll grow closer.

Your independent nature makes it hard to do anything just because tradition says so. Other people might be content following instructions, but you’d rather learn for yourself. . Today, though, the best course of action might be to ask for advice from someone who’s been through similar experiences. Though it feels like you’re the first person who’s ever lived through what you have, you’re far from alone. You don’t have to let anyone else make your decisions for you, but at least let them share what they’ve learned.

You might be struggling, lately, with feeling taken for granted. The people in your life trust that you’ll always be available to listen, help, offer compassion — and while there’s a part of you that enjoys supporting others, there’s another part of you that wishes you didn’t feel like you’re always at everyone else’s beck and call. You want independence and adventure! So today, focus on having interesting experiences, whether that means taking action immediately, or planning a trip for the future. For now, prioritize your desire to live an interesting life of your own.

Buy Claire Comstock-Gay’s book, Madame Clairevoyant’s Guide to the Stars, here.

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