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Your horoscope for Apr 26 – May 2



Your horoscope for Apr 26 – May 2

Your spot-on horoscope for work, money and relationship from Guru by the Bangkok Post’s famously accurate fortune teller. Let’s see how you will fare this week and beyond.

– (⏰) is for work, (₿) is for money, (♥) is for coupled life and (⚤) is for single life
– Horoscope by Chaiyospol Hemwijit & translated by Pornchai Sereemongkonpol
– You can also view previous ones at

♈ Aries

Mar 21 – Apr 19

(⏰) You become more creative and proactive next week. You deal with paperwork and office politics better. You have no problems meeting all deadlines. You deliver exactly what you promised. You’re a doer, not a sayer and you surprise everyone with excellent results.

(₿) The more money you make, the more you spend. You put away the same amount of money into your savings stash. Lifestyle inflation takes hold of you but you won’t regret buying whatever you want. For now. 

(♥) Couples have to be more patient with one another. They tend to disagree more often. Your friendly demeanour may be misinterpreted, unintentionally giving someone false hope. Couples in LDR may agree to give each other a break. 

(⚤) An ONS with someone you meet online is on the cards. How modern. However, you officially remain single as you don’t meet anyone that makes your heart skip a beat.  

♉ Taurus

Apr 20 – May 20

(⏰) You may be asked to revise an assignment several times. Try not to take it personally. The worst feedback is indifference. When someone feels strongly enough about something that you do, that means they care.

(₿) You may win a small prize or windfall. Investors make the right call at the right time and are rewarded handsomely for it. Beware of charity scammers. Don’t leave your phone or tablet unattended when you go out.

(♥) Spouses argue over domestic issues such as house chores, different standards of personal hygiene and parenting styles. Unmarried couples may feel the pressure from the parents on both sides to tie the knot.

(⚤) Someone you just met may ask you to go out on a date at your earliest convenience. If you’re casually dating someone, they yearn for something more meaningful with you.       

♊ Gemini

May 21 – Jun 20

(⏰) Sudden changes in plans and team members cause a ripple effect. You may have to perform tasks outside your usual job description or work alongside someone you secretly dislike. However, this will be a growing experience and teach you valuable lessons.

(₿) Your wish may come true if you’re trying to acquire a scholarship, financial support or extra income. You have no problems paying for all the necessities in your life but may not have much left to spend on fun and luxuries. 

(♥) Couples know when to spend time with each other and when to spend time on their own. They may enjoy an adrenaline-pumping activity together this weekend. A marriage proposal is on the cards for cohabitating couples.

(⚤) You meet several admirers in the flesh and online but none make your heart flutter. Someone familiar may confess their attraction but you’ve already friend-zoned them. 

♋ Cancer

Jun 21 – Jul 22

(⏰) If you’re stuck on something, you may experience a eureka moment. You communicate well with everyone in the office. You can get things done by yourself but also know when to be a team player. You may get a new position in the same company.

(₿) A financial negotiation is likely to end in a win-win situation. You can comfortably for all your needs and have some money left to buy a few wants. Someone in your family may for a loan.

(♥) Couples show PDAs more. They are each other’s sources of support, comfort and inspiration. Trying couples become expecting couples. They may sit down to map out their futures together. 

(⚤) A stranger you meet through your work or hobby may ask for your Line ID. If you’re casually dating someone, they may ask if you to go Facebook official with them or even live together.     

♌ Leo

Jul 23 – Aug 22

(⏰) An opportunity to shine and show off your skills is on the cards. You have a full plate but know what needs to be dealt with first and what can wait. Important paperwork or work equipment arrives on time. What seems bad may turn out to be good.

(₿) Investors understand the nature of their assets and don’t panic when prices temporarily drop. While travelling abroad, keep your belongings close even when you’re in a country that is known to be safe and filled with kind people.

(♥) Couples enjoy healthier communication. An opportunity for a heart-to-heart to address any lingering issues in their relationship is on the cards. Don’t be too adventurous in bed or else you may injure yourself and your partner.

(⚤) You may catch the attention of someone from a different culture. If you’ve been chatting with someone online, you may get to meet them IRL for the first time very soon. 

♍ Virgo

Aug 23 – Sept 22

(⏰) You manage your priorities and resources well. If you have juniors working under you, you assign the right task to the right person. Your campaign or content may go viral for good reason. A promotion may be offered to you but remember that with great position comes great challenges. 

(₿) You attend more social events and expand your network of friends and acquaintances. An opportunity to secure an income source or make extra cash may come unexpectedly. Investors, don’t let greed take over or else you may make a loss.

(♥) Your partner may give you the third degree as they suspect that you’re cheating on them or hiding something. Try to listen to them carefully and calmly to avoid a big fight. 

(⚤) A well-intentioned cousin or bestie may play Cupid and hook you up with someone but you’re not interested in them. Dating app users may meet their match for a hook-up a few hours after they exchange pleasantries online. How modern.    

♎ Libra

Sept 23 – Oct 22

(⏰) Your main job and side hustle eat up most of your waking hours but you don’t experience burnouts or creative blocks. An opportunity to shine is on the cards. Don’t dim your shine to make people like you. True friends are happy with your success and laurels. 

(₿) You can cover your necessities and have enough money left for a few wants. Someone in your family may ask you for a loan. If you’re trying to rent out your property, you’ll secure a tenant soon. They may even ask if you want to sell it. 

(♥) A conflict with someone from your partner’s family is on the cards and your partner will try to step in and mediate. Soon-to-be-first-time parents can expect a smooth deliver of their child. Congratulations is in order. 

(⚤) A well-intentioned friend or cousin may introduce you to someone they think you gonna like due to similar socioeconomic backgrounds. If you’re kinda seeing someone, they will express a strong desire to go Facebook official with you.    

♏ Scorpio

Oct 23 – Nov 21

(⏰) Be ready for challenging assignments and difficult people. Your office foe may be closer than you think. If you feel down and uninspired (it happens to the best of us), focus on the finish line and your long-term goals. Employers, someone may try to steal your secret to success.

(₿) You make a lot of money but barely have time to spend it. You keep your spending under control and cut off a few wants. You may be inspired to look into ways to manage personal finances and invest your money. 

(♥) Couples argue more often. You may feel dissatisfied with the current status of your relationship and wish for it to be deeper and more meaningful. Something really bothers you and you may need some alone time to think things over. 

(⚤) You may catch the attention of someone who’s older and with a lot of disposable income. If you’re casually dating someone, you feel like it goes nowhere and may want to walk away from them.  

♐ Sagittarius

Nov 22 – Dec 21

(⏰) An opportunity to show off your skills is on the cards. You know how to manage resources that are given to you to produce maximum results. You can convince people to agree with you or sell them products without spending too much effort and time. If you have a job interview coming up, you’ll do well. 

(₿) Opportunities to make extra cash come to you unexpectedly. Investors make the right decision at the right time and rake in sizeable profits. You know to treat yourself to a few nice things while staying within budget. No scammers can fool you.

(♥) An opportunity for couples to discuss ways to improve their relationship is on the cards. Both feel that their love is getting lukewarm. Trying couples may become expecting couples. 

(⚤) You meet someone who turns you on but they play hard to get. A close friend or cousin may introduce you to someone but you find them to be a bit boring.   

♑ Capricorn

Dec 22 – Jan 19

(⏰) Brace yourself for office drama and conflict. A meeting may become an intense argument with someone having an emotional outburst. A meeting from hell, if you will.  Your supervisor may pressure you to increase your productivity and, deep down, you know that you’ve been slacking off lately.

(₿) Don’t spend your hard-earned money on something that you really don’t want. The “it” item may not be suitable for you. Labubu may become lame a month from now. Read any contracts twice, including the fine print, before putting your name on them. 

(♥) Couples haven’t been romantic with one another lately. You may have to step in and mediate between your partner and someone from your family because they dislike each other. 

(⚤) You’re looking to be in a relationship and someone older may express their romantic interest. You’re likely to meet them at your friend’s house party or get-together.  

♒ Aquarius

Jan 20 – Feb 18

(⏰) You may have to revise an assignment several times through no fault of your own. Your boss may be unclear in their direction or the client wants to change a few things. You may have to work longer hours but there’s nothing you can do but suck it up.

(₿) Investors collect higher-than-expected returns from their portfolios. Your wish may come true if you’re seeking a scholarship, financial support or extra income. Leave your precious bag at home and accessorise yourself minimally when you travel by boat. 

(♥) Couples overcome difficult situations together and grow closer afterwards. You may discover more good sides to your partner that you’re unaware of. Cross-cultural couples discuss which country they want to settle in and it may be neither of their home countries.   

(⚤) Someone already taken may express their romantic interest to gauge your reaction. Trust us, you don’t want to be someone’s secret romance. A casual hook-up or two is on the cards for dating app users.    

♓ Pisces

Feb 19 – Mar 20

(⏰) Unexpected challenges may motivate instead of discourage. You have no problems meeting all deadlines whether they’re for solo or group tasks. You succeed more with the same amount of effort. You may be asked to make a big decision that may affect your colleagues so be careful.

(₿) If you have debts, you’ll pay off at least one of them. If you’re debt-free, you may realise you’re doing well for yourself after going through all your accounts and assets. You may find what you recently lost. 

(♥) A healthy argument may happen between you two and there won’t be any hard feelings afterwards. Cross-cultural couples may have to face unexpected legal issues. You two may experience difficulties in communicating complex feelings due to the language barrier.    

(⚤) You meet a heart-stopper but you shouldn’t be too eager to please them as they may find you desperate and awkward. If you’re in a situationship, you two may agree to go Facebook official as a new couple. 

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