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Your horoscope for the week ahead: It’s a brilliant time to forgo your routines and test your limits | CBC Life



Your horoscope for the week ahead: It’s a brilliant time to forgo your routines and test your limits | CBC Life

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Have you been longing to escape the ordinary? You could get the push you’ve been waiting for when explosive Mars conjuncts innovative Uranus in determined Taurus on Monday. This energizing aspect challenges us to take the road less travelled when chasing our ambitions, and calls us to open our hearts and minds to the breadth of opportunities that are within our grasp. Take action now, so you can start moulding the future that you desire. 

Your creative side could come out to play on Thursday, when the ego-ruling sun in intuitive Cancer sextiles rebellious Uranus in tenacious Taurus. This will be a brilliant time to forgo your routines, test your limits and expand your horizons. Push yourself to meet new people and think differently — you might even stumble across some original ideas that excite you in the process. 

On Saturday, bold Mars will exit grounded Taurus and move into lively Gemini, activating our minds and putting us in the mood to seek out solutions. Over the next six weeks of this transit, we may also notice ourselves adopting a more daring attitude, and finding new value in versatility and flexibility. However, it can be easy to get distracted under this influence, and we may find the limitless options in front of us dizzying. Use your discernment to pick a direction and make your move. 

The skies will be particularly busy as the week comes to a close, with multiple cosmic events heading our way. Things will begin with a bang when the emotion-ruling moon waxes full in ambitious Capricorn on Sunday morning. We’re more likely to be recognized for our efforts and have our hard work acknowledged under this lunation’s influence; let its energy invigorate you as you pursue your passions. 

Later on Sunday, even the most introverted among us could be motivated to get into the mix when charming Venus in charismatic Leo sextiles optimistic Jupiter in outgoing Gemini. When these planets come together, we tend to feel more social, confident and perhaps even a little grandiose. If you’re single, this will be a beautiful moment to spend time with new people who intrigue you and show off your sparkling personality. Meanwhile, those in relationships can seize this opportunity to foster more intimacy with their partners; embracing a little mystery could be just what you need to create the romantic atmosphere you desire. 

Finally, as busy Mercury in proud Leo squares unpredictable Uranus in stubborn Taurus, practising empathy and patience will be key. Minor conflicts can easily get blown out of proportion if you don’t keep your ego in check during this troublesome aspect. Remember to take a deep breath when faced with inconveniences. 

Here is your horoscope for the week of Monday, July 15, 2024.


Slow down, Aries. You deserve some rest after all the hard work you’ve been putting in lately, and this weekend will be a particularly great time to recoup your energy. Try to fill your days with activities that allow you to really recharge your emotional and physical batteries; distancing yourself from more mindless behaviours, like endless scrolling, can also help you gain some much-needed perspective. This will also be a beautiful moment to gather with the people you love most. Have fun chatting about your recent interests — you might even get inspired to take up a joyful new hobby together. 


Are you ready to make some noise, Taurus? At the start of this week, you might feel especially driven to voice your perspective on certain issues that are close to your heart. Perhaps this passionate energy will express itself in your professional world or compel you to use your talents to bring attention to an important cause. However you decide to channel it, it’s important that you seize this moment to speak up and share your gifts. And don’t be afraid to talk things over with people you trust before bringing them to the wider public — your loved ones could have some powerful input that’ll help you further your message. 


Centre your thoughts, Gemini. If you feel overwhelmed by your many connections to others this week, you may find it helpful to take a step back and practise thankfulness for the people who’ve truly nurtured and supported you. This will enable you to usher more positivity into your world. Meanwhile, love will be in the air, meaning your untameable spirit could prove even more irresistible than usual. If you’re interested in sparking a new romance, use this moment to start chatting people up. In a relationship? Seek to stoke the flames of your passion by appealing to your partner’s intellectual side. 


Dream big, Cancer. Nothing will be beyond your reach this week — so long as you truly believe in yourself. If you’ve been curious about exploring a new career field or creative skill, looking to your favourite people for advice and inspiration could even help you nail down your options and give you the motivation you need to hit the ground running. Then, on the weekend, you’ll have a wonderful opportunity to practise gratitude for your relationships and recognize just how much your inner circle has contributed to your happiness, stability and success. Find a special way to show them you care — no act is too big or too small.


Let your imagination run wild, Leo. This week, you may find that immersing yourself in your dream world puts some unexpected goals on your radar. If you’re unsure which ones are really worth exploring, spending some time in quiet contemplation could help you identify the best path forward. Consider your unfulfilled desires — perhaps there’s a way to satisfy them from a new angle. Then, if you find yourself coming up against any hurdles in your journey that test your patience, do your best to respond with grace and grow from the experience. You can regain any lost confidence by surrounding yourself with people who truly support you. 


Following your impulses can set you off on fantastic journeys, Virgo. Remember that if you find yourself craving a little adventure at the start of this week. If you’re in the mood to take a vacation, researching different destinations could inspire you to take that leap of faith. Once you’ve hammered out the details, don’t hesitate to share them with your nearest and dearest; discussing your itinerary is a brilliant way to drum up excitement and explore options you otherwise wouldn’t have considered. Prefer to stick close to home? Challenge yourself to pepper your days with activities that inspire you to stay present.


You don’t have to go it alone, Libra. Remember that if you find yourself working on a big professional project this week. Use your charms to sell your ideas and assemble a team of people who can help you achieve your vision. Your loved ones might even be persuaded to put in a little elbow grease if you create a worthy incentive. Then, on the weekend, take a break from focusing on your career to kick back with friends who inspire you. Discussing your latest passion projects together could get your creative juices flowing and produce some intriguing ideas that’ll be worth chasing. 


Try to be open-minded this week, Scorpio. A seemingly wild idea could pop into your head that challenges how you think about your romantic and professional relationships, but don’t shy away from it. Opening yourself to fresh ways of thinking can help free you from any outdated attitudes that might be holding you back. This is a beautiful time to forge connections that better reflect who you are in this current moment. Then, on the weekend, it may feel as though the world is your oyster as you consider what’s next for your career. Have fun talking about your passions and exploring where your vision can take you. 


Is your space feeling a bit cluttered lately, Sagittarius? This weekend could be an ideal time to sort through your stuff and see what you might be able to shed. Perhaps organizing a garage sale will give you the incentive you need. While it may be difficult to let go of things you cherished for a time, you’re bound to feel lighter once you’ve unburdened yourself of items that are causing sensory overload. Not in the mood to scale back? You may feel inspired to try out some engaging new activities — and you won’t want to do them alone. Link up with a friend or partner and brainstorm what might scratch both of your itches. 


In the mood to splurge, Capricorn? At the start of this week, you may feel particularly tempted to spend big on something special for your space. Just make sure to bounce this idea off of anyone you share a home or funds with before you break out your wallet, as your decision could impact them too. Then, be prepared to accept some high praise this weekend, as people could begin to recognize your latest efforts and hard work. If you feel inclined to keep the spotlight to yourself, remember that practising humility will only help you shine brighter — give credit where it is due. 


Your kind soul shines when you tend to the people you truly care about, Aquarius. And don’t think that these labours of love go unnoticed, either; others see your thoughtfulness and effort, and are eager to return the favour. Remember this if you find yourself needing assistance this week — or if you just need someone to lean on. Then, toward the weekend, you’ll be wise to take a break from your busy schedule. Consider catching up with your favourite people and stretching your creative muscles together. Or, if you prefer to recuperate in solitude, seek out activities that’ll ground and replenish you so you can take on the week ahead with a full heart.  


Exciting money-making ideas could pop into your head this week, Pisces. So take this opportunity to start chatting with people who might be able to help you make them a reality. You have a chance to cash in if you can surround yourself with supportive allies who’ll help strengthen your self-confidence. Then, this weekend, you could find yourself excited to reconnect with your social circle and spend time with the friends who light you up from within. Have fun with your nearest and dearest by playing games, telling stories that make each other laugh and flexing your creative muscles together. 

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