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Your June Money Horoscope



Your June Money Horoscope

The summer solstice hits on June 20, so if you haven’t already done so, it’s time to start budgeting for some summer fun. Thankfully, the astrology of June brings you plenty of opportunities to manifest abundance, act productively on your financial goals, and think clearly about your next career moves.

The whole first week of June is a prime time for digging deep into your financial goals and making a plan, so dive in. Logistics planet Mercury hits its home sign of quick-thinking Gemini on June 3, boosting mental clarity and problem-solving skills. It immediately joins forces with lucky planet Jupiter, blessing everyone with an abundance mindset and perhaps a few epic new ideas. These two planets collectively vibe with power-hungry Pluto, giving you a competitive edge. Meanwhile, a conjunction between luxury-loving Venus and the confident sun brings sparkling opportunities to manifest money, as does the new moon in Gemini on June 6. Dream big this week and map out a plan to success, whether that looks like a raise at work or a shiny new savings goal.

Go-getter Mars enters stability-loving Taurus on June 9, so avoid being impulsive about financial decisions through the rest of the month. Moving slowly but steadily now will yield better results in the long run. The clarifying Mercury cazimi on June 14 is the perfect time to pitch something important, have a big conversation with a boss, or map out a business plan.

Once mental Mercury and money planet Venus enter Cancer on June 17, you might be more inclined to splurge on comforts that soothe the soul — especially once Cancer season officially begins a few days later. Treat yourself to takeout. Productivity is high under the full moon in hardworking Capricorn on June 21, so put your material goals on the front burner and bring them to the finish line.

Read on for your money horoscope for June 2024.

Aries (March 21 – April 19):

You’ve got the gift of gab this month, so talk your way into a raise or new gig. You’re more persuasive than you think, so ask and see what you receive. Once action planet Mars hits your money sector on May 9, you’ll be extra motivated to move toward your money goals and take charge of your finances. If you need to pitch a project or a refreshed budget, the mid-month Mercury Cazimi is a great time for clear thinking. The full moon on June 21 brings a burst of fresh energy to your career, so use this to put your talents on display and show off what you’re worth.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Taurus money horoscope for June 2024.

Gemini season brings loads of energy to your money sector for the first few weeks of the month, so think through your savings goals and get a solid mental grip on your finances. Do a money manifestation under the new moon on June 6, because abundant vibes are swirling in your direction, and it might just work out in your favor. Motivated Mars hits your sign on June 9, giving you extra stamina to pursue whatever you put your mind to. Use this energy to your advantage during the second half of the month, as the full moon on June 21 inspires you to make a practical plan to reach some aspirational heights.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Gemini money horoscope for June 2024.

It’s your season, Gemini, so your manifesting game is strong. You’ve got the power of clear thinking and the law of attraction on your side. Focus on opening your heart to abundance throughout the first week of the month, and set some serious intentions around money under the new moon on June 6. If you work hard, what you start now will have lasting power. Your chart’s money zone is activated through the latter half of June, so use this energy to make a budget and look at your bank account with fresh eyes.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Cancer money horoscope for June 2024.

Go-getter Mars is in your career sector for the first third of the month, so make power moves at work and chase after the raise or promotion you deserve. Once June 9 rolls around, you can make lucrative connections by networking, so spruce up your professional social pages and get out to meet people in your field. Cancer season starts June 20, and now is the time for your goals to shine. Move with confidence and splurge on a birthday treat.

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22)

Leo money horoscope for June 2024.

Sometimes success is all about who you know, and the first half of the month is an important time for you to make some lucrative connections. Go out and network under the new moon on June 6. A few days later, go-getter Mars hits your career zone, giving your professional game a major boost and inspiring you to chase after your goals. The productive and pragmatic full moon on June 21 is the perfect time to drill down into the nitty-gritty details of your finances and make a summer budget.

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)

Virgo money horoscope for June 2024.

Your career is on fire this month, and opportunities are opening up for you to level up left and right. Use the new moon on June 6 to launch an important new project or move toward a more lucrative professional path. If there are any higher education courses or fields of study you’ve wanted to break into to bolster your career in a different direction, you might find the motivation kicking in mid-month. Once summer starts, networking gets easier, and the full moon on June 21 is the perfect time to pour some love into a passion project or side hustle.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)

Libra money horoscope for June 2024.

You’ve got your sights set on faraway horizons now, Libra — so if you need to start saving for an overseas vacation or a higher education path, now’s a fabulous time. Use the new moon on June 6 to set some intentions that support your big-picture financial goals. Once Cancer season comes around, your career comes into focus in a big way, so pour your heart and soul into your professional life and allow your talents to shine. You’re catching the right people’s eyes, and you can use this extra attention to start working your way into a raise or new position.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)

Scorpio money horoscope for June 2024.

The first third of the month can be especially productive for you, so use the motivation boost to map out your budget for the summer and drill into the details of your financial situation. The new moon on June 6 can be a great time to invest, so long as it’s well thought out and practical. A windfall could boost your bank account during the first half of the month, too, so keep an open heart (and Venmo). The universe could surprise you. Summer puts your mind on big-picture financial goals and potential future vacations, so use the productive vibes of the full moon on June 21 to start working through the logistics of your plans.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)

Sagittarius money horoscope for June 2024.

Business partnerships could really flourish for you during the first half of the month, and the new moon on June 6 is the perfect time to spark a lucrative professional connection with someone important. Mars enters your responsibility sector on June 9, giving you loads of motivation when drilling into the details of your financial situation. Make a bold summer budget and stick to it. Keep in mind that paying off debts could feel extra important once the solstice hits on June 20, so work that into your plans, too. The full moon the following day is the perfect time to make money moves and start taking action toward the goals you’ve set.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)

Capricorn money horoscope for June 2024.

Putting together a summer budget or mapping out financial plans comes easily during the first few weeks of the month, so use the new moon on June 6 to drill down into the details. You’ve got your hands in many pots right now, but you can handle it. Passion projects and side hustles could also prove lucrative if you put your mind to them, especially during mid-month. During the latter third of the month, an important business partnership or professional commitment could emerge, so keep an open mind. The full moon in your sign on June 21 is your chance to make a move.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)

Aquarius money horoscope for June 2024.

If you’ve been looking to make some extra cash on a side hustle or creative endeavor, the first few weeks of the month bring lots of opportunities. Pour your heart into a passion under the full moon on June 6, as many doors are opening and you might find that your ideas are more lucrative than you’d imagined. Once Cancer season comes around, your schedule will be filling up with responsibilities, so stay on top of your game and channel this organization-focused energy into your budget. Pipe dreams are out, and step-by-step plans to success are in.

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20)

Pisces money horoscope for June 2024.

Focus on taking care of home improvement projects and any financial obligations involving your living situation throughout the first half of the month, especially under the new moon on June 6. Go-getter Mars hits your communication zone a few days later, so pitch your big projects and ask for favors if you need them. Once Cancer season starts on June 20, you might have more energy for your side hustles and passion projects. See if you can find more joy in your money-making endeavors. The full moon the following day reminds you that sometimes teamwork makes the dream work, so collaborating with others could be a lucrative move.

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