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Your May 2024 Horoscopes



Your May 2024 Horoscopes

Spring has officially sprung, and this month is all about coming into full bloom. The cosmic weather forecast for May shows sunny skies with ample blessings in the realm of love and money as we enjoy the luckiest day of the year. If April was serving us our main course of hearty grains and leafy greens, then May is here to offer an extra sweet serving of dessert.

May begins with another retrograde, however, unlike the messiness of Mercury last month, this time it’s coming from the outer planet Pluto. On May 2nd, the planet of renewal, Pluto, stations retrograde in liberating Aquarius. For the next five months, we’ll be refining the ways in which we establish personal freedoms and channel “power to the people.” On Tuesday, the 7th, we have our first lunation of the month: a New Moon in the comfort-seeking sign of Taurus. After purging our poisons during the Scorpio Full Moon last month, this is our time to invite a newfound sense of material stability and mindful luxury into our lives. Whether it’s a wardrobe refresh, a day at the spa, or time in the park with friends, this New Moon invites you to indulge.

Mercury finally departs Aries for practical Taurus on the 15th, officially ending over two months of reviewing our sense of purpose and passion. In the fixed earth sign of the zodiac, Mercury gains staying power, helping us to see through any long-term decisions that were made during its retrograde last month.

This month is particularly refreshing because we have multiple “cazimis” with Jupiter and Uranus. These are crucial moments when a planet aligns directly into the heart of the Sun. Think of them as the ultimate mud mask—meant to purify our relationship with the areas in our lives that these planets influence. Cazimis can offer divine downloads and insights if you are open to receiving them. The Uranus cazimi lands on the 13th, shortly before the Jupiter cazimi on the 18th. As the planets of freedom and expansion take their solar baths, we enjoy a clarifying period of insight into our growth potential. The 18th is especially noteworthy as the luckiest day of 2024, also known as the “Day of Miracles.” As the sky is illuminated with optimism from the Sun and limitless potential from Jupiter, we’ll delight in unexpected blessings, serendipitous moments, and a winning attitude. The more, the merrier under this energy, so share the love!

By the 20th, the cosmos will be throwing a party for Gemini to celebrate the beginning of its multifaceted season. Gemini’s dualistic energy plays an important role in May and beyond because both Venus and Jupiter will move into Gemini by the end of the month. Before that vibe shift on May 23rd, we’ll simultaneously experience a Full Moon in Sagittarius and the Venus-Jupiter conjunction in Taurus, the second most fortuitous event of the year. This is bona fide fun astrology that can spark new love, richer connections, and deeper pockets (cha-ching!). On May 25th, Jupiter enters Gemini, initiating a year-long quest for our multi-hyphenate talent. If you thought your attention was spread thin already, just wait because options abound under this transit. It’s an auspicious energy to spread your message, create kindred alliances, and become the triple threat that’s the life of every party.

Below, you can find what May’s astrology has in store for every rising sign.

Important dates in May 2024:

Thursday, May 2nd: Pluto retrograde begins, lasting until October 11, 2024

Tuesday, May 7th: New Moon in Taurus

Monday, May 13th: Uranus Cazimi

Wednesday, May 15th: Mercury enters Taurus

Saturday, May 18th: Jupiter Cazimi

Monday, May 20th: Gemini season begins

Thursday, May 23rd: Full Moon in Sagittarius + Venus enters Gemini

Saturday, May 25th: Jupiter enters Gemini

Horoscopes By Rising Sign


May is a powerful month for you while your chart ruler, Mars, is in your sign the entire month. This brings your capacity to express your will, drive, and confidence to a maximum. Your mind is on your money more than usual while the planets cluster in your Taurean sector of earning potential. Before you break into your piggy bank, check your inbox to see what opportunities are making themselves available. The New Moon on the 7th invites you to manifest your richest life—it’s great to have it all, but what does it look like for you to have enough? Once Gemini season begins on the 20th, and especially by the Sagittarius Full Moon on the 23rd, it’ll be time to turn your attention towards your student/teacher dynamics. This kicks off a year full of big ideas, experimental journeys, and titillating new connections.


The puzzle pieces are falling into place, creating a beautiful backdrop while this month welcomes a congregation of cosmic alignment in your sign. Your mantra is: “Love and abundance flow to me with ease.” By simply showing up as your inspired self, you make a radiant contribution to the world. While your chart ruler, Venus, is in your sign all month, you’re invited to play with identity. The New Moon on the 7th is your opportunity to invest in yourself, and the 18th—the luckiest day of the year—is your chance to cash in. Once Jupiter enters Gemini on the 25th, your growth strategies shift. We all end up choosing a path—for some that’s love, and for others, it’s money. For you, it can be everything you set your heart on, as long as you remind yourself that you’re worth it all.


Oh, oh, oh, it’s magic! Just like the band Pilot says, “Never believe it’s not so.” This month offers you a wellspring of magical potential, especially when you’re in connection with your unconscious. As the cosmos conspires to deepen its relationship with you, you’ll find yourself freed from limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging patterns that have contributed to any stuckness. Your new lease on life bubbles to the surface once your season begins on the 20th, and especially when Jupiter stimulates your sense of personal evolution, starting on the 25th. You’ve put in a ton of work behind the scenes lately, which you’re now empowered to use as tools to empower those around you. Think bigger! The year ahead promises exciting new life directions, expansive experiences, and plenty of good fortune.

Clear your calendar this month because it’s time to channel your inner social butterfly! Whether it’s at work, home, or out in the world, teamwork will always make your dreams work, and this month highlights that more than ever as the majority of planets activate your sector of community. You’re in the process of creating the life you’ve always dreamed of, and on the luckiest day of the year—the 18th—you’ll be reaping those rewards with friends all around. Keep in mind that May isn’t just about collecting your flowers. You’ve been on an ambitious streak lately, and that isn’t changing any time soon. Once Gemini season begins on the 20th, channel your drive into a quest for inspiration. In order to sustain momentum at work, it’ll be important to intentionally make time for restorative rest, especially once we clear the Sagittarius Full Moon on the 23rd and Jupiter moves into your sector of the psyche on the 25th.

What could be better than the privilege of living a lifetime as your most authentic self? For you, Leo, this month shines a spotlight on your colorful public image and reputation, hitting a sustained high note that will allow you to relish in recent successes and milestone moments. The Taurus New Moon on the 7th begs the question, “What steps do I need to take in order to become more self-sufficient in my career?” Once Mercury moves into Taurus on the 15th, you’ll not only be able to answer that question but also chart a determined course toward making it happen. When your cosmic ruler, the Sun, moves into Gemini on the 20th, set your sights on creative endeavors with friends. All work and no play is no way for a Leo to live, and you’re being set up to grow sweeter fruit in the garden of your community once Jupiter makes its way into Gemini on the 25th.

Your mantra this month is, “I use my mental powers wisely.” While the flowers are in bloom, you’re also experiencing a blossoming of the spiritual and philosophical sort. As you orient yourself in a world full of endless beauty and possibility, learning the secrets of the universe, consider how something as simple as a shift in perspective can have a profound effect on your reality. Once your cosmic ruler, Mercury, makes its way into your sector of new horizons on the 15th, you’ll be poised to plan your ascent to the stars. Recognition and opportunities to elevate in your career are coming, especially once Jupiter enters Gemini on the 25th, so stay hungry and remember that the only limits to what’s possible are the ones you place on yourself.

After wading through the cosmic trenches these past couple of months, May promises to be full of peace and better fortune. Between the Taurus New Moon on the 7th, Mercury entering Taurus on the 15th, and the luckiest day of the year for your money on the 18th, there’s a strong emphasis on money magic this month. In every exchange, whether mental or material, consider not only what your return on investment is but what you want to give in return. One of the most potent ways to attract wealth is to recognize and express gratitude for what’s already all around you. Once your ruling planet, Venus, enters Gemini on the 23rd, you’ll become a magnet for fresh perspectives. You’re never too late or old to learn something new, especially when it’s an excuse to book your next holiday!


*You* are the jackpot this month! Love is in the air throughout May, and that stems from the love you’re giving yourself. As a naturally magnetic and mysterious person, you have no issue attracting admirers, but this month, your flowers are being pollinated by an abundance of honey bees. Remember, healthy relationship boundaries will be paramount. The Taurus New Moon on the 7th is the perfect time to open up with a partner or clean the slate if there’s any relationship drama. If you’re struggling to break through to the other side in matters of love, then the luckiest day of the year, May 18th, will bring you an opportunity to heal the heart and feel love in every direction. Pay special attention once Jupiter runs into Gemini on the 25th, as your collaborators will become even more consequential.


Whistle while you work, as the Seven Dwarves would say. In the past year, you’ve grown so much within your work life and cultivated healthy habits. This month is your chance to enjoy the satisfaction of a job well done. Your creativity will be flowing like a mighty river this month, especially around the 19th. The best way to fall into a flow state is to carve out intentional time to fill your own cup. Whether it’s your morning routine or tea and journaling before bed, the more you organize your day in a way that cultivates creativity, the more inspired opportunities and connections will find their way to you. Once your chart ruler, Jupiter, enters Gemini on the 25th, all signs point to new and deepening relationship commitments.

Whoever said that we should strive for a work-life balance got it wrong; you should be striving for a life-work imbalance! This month puts pleasure and play at the center of your focus. Making space to have fun, especially while creatively expressing yourself, is what often drives us to keep working hard. The Taurus New Moon on the 7th invites you to let your inner child decide how to spend the day. Once Gemini season starts on the 20th, you’ll need to start tuning back in to your to-do list, so soak up as much free time before then as you can. Once Jupiter moves into your sector of work and health on the 25th for the next year, you’ll gain a confidence boost to develop daily rituals that support your inevitable success.


Taurus season is always an introspective time for you, a chance to come home both literally and figuratively so that you can root into your foundations and find the support to build you back up. At the beginning of the month, Pluto stations retrograde in your sign, testing your tenacity while igniting a quest to reclaim your courage. When the Taurus New Moon arrives on the 7th, look for little ways to introduce simple pleasures into your sanctuary. Something as simple as putting your bare feet into the earth can offer you the nourishing grounding from which you’ll blossom into a tree of life. On the luckiest day of the year, the 18th, a potent window of creative inspiration is opened to you. The Sagittarius Full Moon on the 23rd brings passion and romance to the spotlight, encouraging you to follow your bliss as you embark on your summer of love.

May is a stroll in the park for you—literally. As the majority of planets converge in your sector of local spaces, you’re encouraged to embrace the beauty, art, and people that immediately surround you. The Taurus New Moon on the 7th offers an opportunity to integrate contrasting ideas. Life isn’t a race; it’s a marathon. The more you can move slowly with intention, the more you’ll discover the ability to hold two seemingly opposing concepts at once. Once Gemini season begins on the 20th, and especially when your ruler, Jupiter, makes its way into your sector of belonging on the 25th, your experience of home will become much bigger. A change of address may be on the horizon!

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