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Your October 2024 Horoscope



Your October 2024 Horoscope

It’s October — the cooler air starts to nip at our skin and we start huddling a little bit closer to loved ones. Ruled by love planet Venus, Libra season is arguably the most romantic time of year, and this year it might be more intense than usual. We start the month off with a solar eclipse in Libra on October 2. This is like an extra potent new moon; you’re basically force-quitting some tabs you’ve kept open for a while, and as jarring as it might be to do so, it’ll boost your browser speed. 

As an air sign, Libra loves whimsy and harmony, but October has some strong water influences as well. With Mercury and Venus transiting through no-nonsense Scorpio and Mars wading through sensitive Cancer, you might experience revelations about what you want in your relationships — at times paired with a little bout of moodiness.

We also have Jupiter going retrograde on October 9, and transformation planet Pluto going direct on October 1. You can expect some introspection that leads to an outward change mid-month. 

We round out the month with the sun entering Scorpio, heralding the peak of spooky season. The transformational forces of Pluto will propel us into further creativity for the rest of October. 

Keep reading below for your sign’s monthly horoscope, and make sure to check both your sun and rising signs.

october libra horoscope 2024

Libra October Horoscope

Happy birthday, Libra! This is a powerful month for you. With the solar eclipse on October 2 happening in your sign, you can expect to close doors and open new ones. This time of new beginnings is marked by your ruling sign Venus moving through Scorpio. Don’t be surprised if you feel a deep desire for romantic connection and an urge to vocalize it. Love is a source of energy for you, so use it to charge yourself through this period of change.

october scorpio horoscope 2024october scorpio horoscope 2024

Scorpio October Horoscope

October is looking to be quite intense for you, Scorpio, but honestly, when are you not intense? With your ruling planet Mars in emotional Cancer, you might feel yourself a little bit more sensitive than usual. Fortunately, love planet Venus and communication planet Mercury are both in your home sign this month, sweetening you up and letting you vocalize your emotions. The last thing you want to do is to bottle things up when you’re in your feels, so deliberately schedule some quality time with loved ones and go out and do something fun on the weekends.

october sagittarius horoscope 2024october sagittarius horoscope 2024

Sagittarius October Horoscope

This month will bring understanding to both your inner world and your social standing, Sag. The solar eclipse on October 2 highlights your 11th house of friendships and social awareness, giving you some insight into the people you surround yourself with. Your ruling planet Jupiter also goes retrograde on October 9, prompting even more introspection. With a lot of variables at play, you might expect a little drama on October 17, during the full moon in fiery Aries. On the flip side, Venus enters your home sign later this month; go on some fun dates during this time, when you’ll be even more naturally charming than usual.

capricorn horoscope 2024capricorn horoscope 2024

Capricorn October Horoscope

You’re as ambitious as ever, and this month will be a productive time for you professionally, Cap. With the solar eclipse on October 2 highlighting your 10th house of career and long-term goals, you might find yourself opening a new chapter of your professional life. This period of change is further propelled by Pluto going direct in your home sign. Change can feel overwhelming; give yourself a pat on the back and don’t forget to take a breather sometimes, perhaps by taking a weekend trip.

october aquarius horoscope 2024october aquarius horoscope 2024

Aquarius October Horoscope

Your innovative nature always has you ahead of the curve, and with some major lunar events on the horizon this month, including a solar eclipse, you certainly won’t be short of inspiration. You’ll be thriving in your professional life this month as well, with Venus highlighting your 10th house of career. Don’t doubt the creative workings of your mind, even if people don’t always understand you.

october pisces horoscope 2024october pisces horoscope 2024

Pisces October Horoscope

This is a great time for you to cultivate your rich inner world, Pisces. The solar eclipse at the beginning of the month prompts you to look inward and ruminate about what you truly desire. Plus, with Mercury, Mars and Venus all in fellow water signs this month, you’re learning to trust your emotions and let them guide you. Whether it be following a romantic pursuit or shifting careers, your instincts already know what will make you happy.

october aries horoscope 2024october aries horoscope 2024

Aries October Horoscope

You might feel more moody than usual this month, Aries, and it’s more important than ever to react with compassion. With your ruling planet Mars in Cancer, you’ll experience your daily emotions a little bit more deeply. All these brewing emotions may come to a head on the full moon in your home sign on October 17. The energy of this full moon might stir up some drama between you and your peers; step away from a heated situation and cool off so you can act rationally.

october taurus horoscope 2024october taurus horoscope 2024

Taurus October Horoscope

Vocalize your desires and boldly chase your inspiration this month, Taurus. Communication planet Mercury is moving through intense Scorpio, allowing you to confront head-on what you truly want right now. Action planet Mars also highlights your 3rd house of communication and the mind this month, allowing these desires to flow out of you. Words hold power; don’t underestimate the simple efficacy of telling people what you want.

october gemini horoscope 2024october gemini horoscope 2024

Gemini October Horoscope

This Libra season will feel particularly playful for you, Gemini. Your ruling planet, Mercury, will be highlighting your 5th house of romance and childlike spirit for the first half of the month. You might experience friendships or a budding romance that makes you feel elated and giddy. Mercury also enters Scorpio later this month, shifting your focus to your professional life. You’ll get what you put into your career this month, and you can have fun while you’re at it, too.

october cancer horoscope 2024october cancer horoscope 2024

Cancer October Horoscope

With action planet Mars moving through your home sign, you’ll feel energized this month, Cancer. This abundance of energy will be helpful during the eclipse on October 2, when you may need to have some meaningful conversations with loved ones, as well as during the full moon in Aries on October 17, which might stir up some drama. Especially during this excitable month, be wary of burnout. Take time to relax and unwind with some much-needed solo time.

october leo horoscope 2024october leo horoscope 2024

Leo October Horoscope

You’re really going to value your time alone and with family this month, Leo. Action planet Mars is illuminating your 12th house of endings and solitude; paired with the solar eclipse at the beginning of the month, this might make you feel more inclined to close your doors and get some rest. As a social, wild-child sign, moments of introversion might feel unsettling to you, but there’s a lot of growth to be found in time spent alone. Venus will be illuminating your 4th house of home and family, so you might find solace in family time more than usual as well.

october virgo horoscope 2024october virgo horoscope 2024

Virgo October Horoscope

Your practical nature will be heightened at the beginning of the month, Virgo, as your ruling planet Mercury highlights your 2nd house of money and work. Especially during the solar eclipse on October 2, you might find new ways to make a living. Later this month, your focus will shift to your close relationships, as the full moon illuminates your 8th house of intimacy and shared resources. Use the harmonious nature of Libra season to navigate important conversations with a touch of whimsy.

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