Your Queer Weekly Horoscope: May 13-19

But in spite of a general lack of energy, you’re bolstered this week to an obstinate burst of motivation by an unconventional source of inspiration. Maybe, like Louis, you’ll seek out the ear of a mortal you once confided in long ago, all so you can continue to unload an updated version of your life chronicle.
What the stars are up to:
- Your sign ruler Pluto is retrograde in Aquarius.
- Mercury squares off against Pluto.
What it means:
Mercury squares off against your ruler Pluto and nobody wants to talk to you. Oh well! You’ve got mysterious personal stuff you want to take care of this week, and dealing with other people’s drama would only be a distraction.
What the stars are up to:
- Your sign ruler Jupiter is in Taurus.
- The Sun passes through conjunction with Jupiter.
What it means:
You’ve got one last week of chilling out at home before your sign ruler Jupiter moves to Gemini and your social life explodes into (mostly cheerful) chaos. For now, you’re taking this final moment of quietude to look deeply inside of your own soul and realize that you genuinely feel at peace with yourself. Enjoy the breath of calm before your life becomes hectic again.
What the stars are up to:
- Your sign ruler Saturn is in Pisces.
- Venus forms a sextile with Saturn.
What it means:
Venus is fond of your sign ruler Saturn for a while on Monday, and you know what? Sometimes catching a brief smile from a hottie while you’re toiling away diligently at your daily labors is truly enough of a boon to elevate your entire week. Try to lock down any important business before everyone else loses their entire minds at the onset of Gemini season.
What the stars are up to:
- Pluto is retrograde in your sign.
- Your sign ruler Uranus is in Taurus.
- The Sun and Venus pass through conjunction with Uranus.
- Mercury squares off against Pluto.
What it means:
It’s a big week for Aquarian self-love! The Sun and Venus both commune directly with your sign ruler Uranus, and you feel overwhelmingly proud of the person you’ve become. Who cares if Mercury is beefing with Pluto and screwing up conversations about personal progress? You’ve already come so far to be who you are today! You deserve to bask in that sensation.
What the stars are up to:
- Saturn and your ruler Neptune are in your sign.
- Venus forms a sextile with Saturn.
- The Sun forms a sextile with Neptune.
What it means:
Venus takes a liking to Saturn in your sign, and the Sun is interested in your ruler Neptune. You’re due for a commitment to responsibility in pursuing your desires, and a powerful compulsion to spend some time seriously examining your own soul. Ultimately, both of these undertakings will be excellent for your romantic life.
What the stars are up to:
- The North Node, Chiron, Mercury, and your ruler Mars are in your sign.
- On Wednesday, Mercury leaves your sign and moves to Taurus.
- Mars passes through conjunction with the North Node.
What it means:
Mercury leaves your sign and moves to Taurus, which may temporarily leave you at a loss for words. But no matter, you’re ready to go, go, go! When your ruler Mars lines up in cooperative conjunction with the destiny-defining North Node in your sign, you can and will not be stopped. You will sprint into Gemini season with a two-day head start, running ahead of the pack before everyone else in the zodiac even thinks about tying their shoes.
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