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Your Weekly Horoscope for October 20 to 26:



Your Weekly Horoscope for October 20 to 26:

You’re diving deep and ready to take risks in your weekly horoscope for October 20 to 26, 2024. The week starts off with Mercury in Scorpio teaming up with Saturn in Pisces on October 21, prompting you to reflect on your commitments. Maybe you’re ready to sign an agreement or you could benefit from expressing your boundaries or expectations with someone else. This also gives you the mental stamina to make progress on goals and to focus on tedious tasks. Confiding in a mentor, an elder, or someone you respect may be helpful, too.

It’s time to shine a light on your shadow when the sun in Libra slams into Pluto in Capricorn on October 22. This brings you back to events that unfolded around October 13, when Mercury met with Pluto. More information is revealed or perhaps you’re feeling more self-aware about a particular situation or relationship. This can also stir up conflicts, insecurities, and ego battles, so pick your battles wisely. At the same time, confronting your fears and pushing past your comfort zone can be rewarding and liberating.

The sun enters Scorpio later in the day on October 22, putting you in an introspective mood. You’re accessing deep feelings you’ve avoided and you’re not as afraid of the unknown. The next few weeks offer an opportunity to reclaim your power and to transform in the process. On the same day, Venus in Sagittarius bumps into the North Node (a celestial point representing your path and purpose) in Aries, bringing fated people into your life or emboldening you to make a decision about an important connection.

On October 24, there’s a last quarter moon in Leo, and you’re revisiting themes and storylines that took place under the full moon in Aries on October 17. This is a period of emotional release—of shedding light in the sky—as the moon continues to wane. Mars in Cancer mingles with Uranus in Taurus on the same day, allowing you to access new waves of inspiration. This can help you take a chance on something or someone you deeply care about, and also help you consider alternative plans of action. You’re able to surrender and let go today: you have a new perspective and welcome change with more ease.

Looking for even more cosmic insights? Check out your full October 2024 monthly horoscope, or take a look at your yearly 2024 horoscope

Key astrological events for your weekly horoscope from October 20 to 26, 2024

  • Monday, October 21: Moon enters Cancer
  • Monday, October 21: Mercury in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces
  • Tuesday, October 22: Sun in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn
  • Tuesday, October 22: Sun enters Scorpio
  • Tuesday, October 22: Venus in Sagittarius trine North Node in Aries
  • Wednesday, October 23: Moon enters Leo
  • Thursday, October 24: Last Quarter Moon in Leo
  • Thursday, October 24: Mars in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus
  • Saturday, October 26: Moon enters Virgo


aries astrology symbol with graphics of rose and moon on red background
You’re making peace with the past, Aries, thanks to Mercury in Scorpio teaming up with Saturn in Pisces on October 21. Turning to your loved ones for advice and support can help you move through some emotions that come up. You’re feeling supported, as well as ready to accept what you cannot control and embrace necessary changes.

Some adjustments are required in your close relationships when the sun in Libra crashes into Pluto in Capricorn on October 22. Drama, jealousy, or obsessive tendencies can surface when you least expect it. You could also project some of your old relationships wounds or unhealthy patterns onto a current situation. This can help you break free from old dynamics or dysfunctional connections, too.

Later in the day on October 22, the sun enters Scorpio, heightening your self-awareness. This can be a great time to plunge into your psyche and engage in healing work. You’re able to make peace with your shadow side and the pasts of yourself you typically avoid. Forgiveness, trust, and intimacy in your connections will be a central theme over the next few weeks.


taurus astrology symbol with images of tarot cards and a candle on a yellow background

You’re ready to discuss the future with an important person in your life, Taurus, when Mercury in Scorpio mingles with Saturn in Pisces on October 21. Maybe you want to plan a bucket-list trip with a lover or decide to take the next step in your relationship. This also bodes well for signing contracts and embarking on collaborative projects.

The sun enters Scorpio on October 22, shining a light on your close relationships over the next few weeks. You’re craving more depth in your relationships and want to invest in the people nearest and dearest to your heart. It’s also possible someone close to you is relying on you more for support. This can bring new, important people into your life and new opportunities your way, as well.

You know there’s no point in holding onto the past under the last quarter moon in Leo on October 24. In order to start fresh with a lover or squash an issue with a roommate or best friend, you’ve got to release any simmering resentment. This is a great day to share how you really feel and make important decisions about the future of your closest relationships.


gemini astrology symbol on blue background with plant leaves and marble statue images

You’re finding a groove and rhythm in your daily routine, Gemini, once Mercury in Scorpio teams up with Saturn in Pisces on October 21. This is productive energy for crossing things off your to-do list, but also for feeling more grounded and on track with personal and professional goals. You could also learn some intriguing work news, too.

Watch out for feelings of jealousy or projection when the sun in Libra bumps into Pluto in Capricorn on October 22. Passion and feelings can be high, leading to either a steamy encounter or trouble in paradise. You may need to confront some unspoken power dynamics that deserve to be disrupted.

Later in the day, the sun moves into Scorpio, bringing you recognition for some of your hard work. You may be given the responsibility for an important project at work, or perhaps you’re taking on more obligations in your personal life. You’re also more in tune with the way your small habits and behaviors impact your big goals and desires. This can be a productive few weeks for changing up your daily routine.


cancer astrology symbol on light green background with images of the moon and tarot cards

Is it time to turn a hobby into something more serious, Cancer? The thought crosses your mind on October 21 when Mercury in Scorpio syncs up with Saturn in Pisces. This is a great time to seek out an online course about a subject that captures your attention. You could also be ready to go all-in on a creative project or discuss the future with a romantic or creative collaborator.

You’re feeling fun and flirty once the sun enters Scorpio on October 22. If you’re single and ready to put yourself out there, you could meet someone with potential! You’re also attracting attention and your manifestation powers get an extra boost. You may feel like you’re in the right place at the right time. Take a risk, luck is on your side.

Trying a new approach can help you make progress on personal goals when Mars, in your sign, teams up with Uranus in Taurus on October 24. This is especially true when you decide to join forces with other creative collaborators. If you decide to share your ideas or pitch something you want, it can also go in your favor at this time.


leo astrology symbol on blue background with images of

Conversations are a little heated, Leo, when the sun in Libra collides into Pluto in Capricorn on October 22. You’re not backing down from how you really feel and this may be an important moment to speak your truth. This can also reveal unhealthy or dysfunctional patterns in your workplace or invite you to set boundaries with others who continue to add responsibilities to your plate.

Later in the day on October 22, you’re focusing on your private life once the sun enters Scorpio. Perhaps you’re spending more time with family or thinking about ways to spice up your living space. You may also be in a more sentimental mood and can find wisdom and guidance from reflecting on your past or connecting with your ancestors.

You’re the main character under the last quarter moon in Leo on October 24. You may need to make an important decision regarding a family member or a living situation. You could also learn news about some of your close relationships. Interactions affect you in a personal way and you may be overdue for a good cry. Give yourself space to feel your feelings!


virgo astrology symbol with images of the earth and tarot cards on an orange-colored background

New information sparks your interest, Virgo, once the sun enters Scorpio on October 22. Exciting conversations begin–whether you’re negotiating a new contract or considering going back to school. Your social calendar also fills up, and this can be a wonderful time to deepen some of your friendships and meet new people.

You’re ready to share some feelings you’ve kept to yourself under the last quarter moon in Leo on October 24. Secrets may also be revealed! This is a powerful day to access your subconscious and voice some of the feelings and thoughts you’ve avoided expressing. This is also an opportunity to change the way you speak to yourself and shift your mindset. You may also feel more worn down and need to prioritize rest.

On the same day, you’re inspired to take a risk when Mars in Cancer mingles with Uranus in Taurus. Maybe you book some travel on a whim or meet an influential person through work contacts or friends. Collaborating and brainstorming ideas with others can help unlock the next phase of a plan or a new idea you want to pursue.


libra astrology symbol with black and white images of flowers and the lady of justice on pink background

You’re showing up as your most authentic self, Libra, when the sun, in your sign, rams into Pluto in Capricorn on October 22. It’s time to share a part of yourself with the world that you’ve kept hidden. This can also be an important time to take your power back, face a fear of taking up space or cowering to other people’s opinions about your life and who they expect you to be. Follow your heart and speak your truth!

Later in the day on October 22, the sun moves into Scorpio, shifting your focus to your resources and finances. Some of your gifts and talents could catch other people’s attention or maybe you’re receiving more compliments at work. This can be a lucky time to apply for jobs, ask for a raise, or launch a side hustle.

Someone unexpected may want to invest in your professional or personal goals when Mars in Cancer teams up with Uranus in Taurus on October 24. This is a great day to explore your options and for problem solving. Standing up for yourself can also be healing today.


scorpio astrology symbol on purple background with images of coins and tarot cards

Joy is your top priority, Scorpio, once Mercury, in your sign, links up with Saturn in Pisces on October 21. You may be ready to be more serious about a hobby or passion project. You deserve more time for fun and connecting in the present moment—so be sure to spend your time engaging in activities that light you up. This can also be a fruitful time to discuss the future or define a relationship in your romantic life.

You’re the main character for the next few weeks once the sun enters your sign on October 22. The spotlight is on you and people are drawn to your aura! This can be a busy time for forming new connections, making progress on personal goals, and initiating new projects. You’re also spending more time focused on your needs.

It’s time to release the safety of your comfort zone and the urge to people-please under the last quarter moon in Leo on October 24. You want to show up authentically and know that doing so may alienate some people. It’s a risk you’re willing to take. Putting yourself and your desires first will bring you more into alignment with your life goals and path.


sagittarius astrology symbol on dark purple background with images of a map and a rose

You’re resisting the urge to compare yourself to others, Sagittarius, when the sun in Libra rams into Pluto in Capricorn on October 22. This can stir up some tension in your friendships and even bring out feelings of jealousy or envy. If someone else has something you covet, trust that it’s the universe’s way of reminding you that it’s possible for you, too. You may also hit a make-it-or-break-it moment with a dream you’ve been chasing.

Later in the day on October 22, the sun enters Scorpio, connecting you with your intuitive mind. Spending more time in solitude can help you process your emotions, let go of anything or anyone that no longer serves you, and also clarify your vision for the future. Your hunches are on point, so listen to them.

You know which of your habits have to go once Mars in Cancer teams up with Uranus in Taurus on October 24. This is a great day for adjustments, accepting change, and making amends. Maybe you’re ready to move on from a petty conflict at work or release a bad habit that’s keeping you stagnant. Today, change can feel a little easier.


capricorn astrology symbol on green background with images of saturn and a grecian statue

You’re ready to bring your dreams to life, Capricorn, when Mercury in Scorpio meets up with Saturn in Pisces on October 21. You may be negotiating new contracts or joining forces with someone to help bring some of your aspirations to life. This is great energy for coming up with a plan, expressing your boundaries, or committing to your goals.

It’s time to face your fears of taking up space and showing up authentically when the sun in Libra rams into Pluto, in your sign, on October 22. You may need to speak your truth and reclaim your power, especially with an authority figure. You could also gain recognition or reach an exciting milestone, bringing more attention your way. Instead of playing it down, be bold and take up space. You worked hard to get here!

The sun moves into Scorpio later in the day on October 22, bringing hopeful news, ideas, or connections your way. This can be a lucky time for networking, finding new inspiration, making progress on long-term goals, or fostering a deeper sense of belonging. You’re also feeling called to stand up for what you believe is right and want to give back to your community.


aquarius astrology symbol on a red background with images of flower leaves and an urn

You’re feeling financially stable and proud of yourself, Aquarius, thanks to Mercury in Scorpio syncing up with Saturn in Pisces on October 21. Maybe you’re accepting a new promotion or starting a new job. This can also help you commit to a personal goal or decide to invest in going back to school or learning a skill that will help hone your craft.

The sun moves into Scorpio on October 22, shining a light on your public life, reputation, professional world, and long-term goals. You’re standing out amongst the crowd and your work and efforts are gaining attention. This can also mark a moment of manifestation and whatever you’ve been focused on—whether it’s in your relationships, home life, or professional world—can come to fruition.

The last quarter moon in Leo on October 24 helps you refine your vision. You may need to let go of a contract, relationship, or agreement that’s run its course. This can also be a moment for adjustment in your important relationships. Is it time to make sure you’re on the same page as your partner?


pisces astrology symbol on yellow background with images of tarot cards and fish

New agreements are headed your way, Pisces, once Mercury in Scorpio links up with Saturn, in your sign, on October 21. You’re feeling excited about whatever commitments you make today. This also helps you speak with conviction and clarity. You can make a lot of progress on a writing project, with a subject you’re learning, or even come up with a plan to move in a new direction.

You’re craving new experiences once the sun enters Scorpio on October 22. Perhaps you want to sign up for a workshop or you’re ready to launch a personal podcast. You can gain attention for your expertise, especially through written and verbal mediums. You may also find yourself traveling more over the next few weeks.

The last quarter moon in Leo gives you the courage to have an uncomfortable conversation on October 24. You might feel exhausted, under pressure, or underappreciated with some of your personal or professional commitments. You may need to step away from a responsibility or ask for help to find more balance in your everyday life. Expressing your boundaries and limits may be required today.

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