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Your Weekly Horoscope: October 7, 2024 to October 13, 2024



Your Weekly Horoscope: October 7, 2024 to October 13, 2024

What’s your love and career horoscope looking like for the coming seven days? Let Vogue Arabia help you find out via your weekly horoscope.

Artwork by Rohan Hande

Libra, had someone told you a decade ago that you’d be where you are today, would you have believed them? Now what does that tell you about the divine support you’ve been blessed with in this lifetime? More importantly, what does your manifested reality tell you about your power to call in miracles and co-create your best, most expanded life? What your spirit guides are whispering right now: the best is yet to come. Scorpio, you can feel it in your bones, in your cells, in your DNA—that it’s time to come out of your cocoon, spread your wings and do what you do best! It’s time to share your magic *and* your divine gifts with the collective! Remember, you don’t have to be perfect. You simply have to be *you*—and that is a part of your transformation. Pisces, as you sip on your morning tea, contemplate these golden words by philosopher J. Krishnamurti: “The ability to observe without evaluating is the highest form of intelligence.” This is your reminder to let go of the need for perfection and experience life as it comes. To embrace the journey with curiosity and openness, without worrying too much about the outcome. To approach everything with a beginner’s mind—whether it’s starting a new hobby, meeting a diverse group of people, or exploring new places. Unexpected surprises are on the cards for you this month. 

So, what does the week ahead have in store for the rest of the signs? Let’s explore!

Aries weekly horoscope


There are times in our lives when everything falls into place as if by sleight of hand, and the stars in the night sky come together in perfect alignment, bringing joy, abundance and blessings into our lives. Now is such a time in your life, Aries! So, let go of your fixed ideas of how things ought to be and allow the plan to unfold. At the same time, remember to tune your internal radio frequency to gratitude, which in turn will make you a magnet for miracles.

Taurus weekly horoscope


Take a deep breath and observe. Observe how far you’ve come since you first embarked upon this journey. Observe all the ways in which you have confronted your demons and consciously chosen to let go of the old story. If you’re looking for an affirmation to keep doing the inner work, this is it, Taurus! That said, the cards are also encouraging you to prioritize self-care rituals as you move through Libra season. To engage in the activities that not only spark joy, but also refuel your inner reserves. PS: *This* is the calm after the storm, beautiful.

Gemini weekly horoscope


It’s official, Gemini! The fog is being lifted, bringing forth the gifts of clarity. You know who you are and you know what you are here to do. Don’t shy away from taking a bold step with the inner knowing that the path will clear itself. That said, the cards are encouraging you to let go of the old story. To clear out the clutter and let go of personal possessions that are weighing you down by reminding you of a time long gone. It’s time to unlock the portal of prosperity, beautiful! Make space for fresh energies to enter into your life.

Cancer weekly horoscope


It’s official, Cancer! You’re in your wanderlust era. You’re yearning to break free from the mundane. You’re yearning to explore the unexplored. The Oracle is reminding you of something you already know: it’s about the journey, not the destination. That said, cosmic weather is also sparking an inner revolution and encouraging you to move beyond the ‘shoulds’ and the ‘musts’. Remember, choosing the path less trodden will require you to disappoint a few people, and that’s okay. You didn’t come here to adhere to a certain script or dull your sparkle in any way. You came here to be the change, to make a difference and to leave a legacy of authenticity behind.

Leo weekly horoscope


You know it! You can feel in your bones that this is the greatest redirection of your life. Give yourself the permission to move differently, groove differently, Leo. Give yourself the permission to experiment with a new way of being, knowing that there’s no right or wrong way to do life. And hey! If you fall, you’ll find a way to make it a part of your dance! On a side note, some of you may be drawn towards mystical practices such as tarot and crystal healing. Take some time out to study the properties of the stones that you feel drawn towards, but also let your intuition lead the way. Woodstock recommends a Himalayan quartz to start with. 

Virgo weekly horoscope


Given the eclipses, the past month has been action-packed, and quite frankly, you’re exhausted! You’re making your way through October slowly, deliberately, and mostly in your sweatpants. You want to take a break from the hustle and engage in the activities that bring joy and sparkle in the narrative. So, make art, make coffee, sign up for singing lessons, join a salsa class, have fun with ceramics, practice meditation, host a book club meeting. Your inner GPS *always* knows what’s best for you. Let it lead the way into the unknown!

Libra weekly horoscope


Had someone told you a decade ago that you’d be where you are today, would you have believed them? Now what does that tell you about the divine support you’ve been blessed with in this lifetime? More importantly, what does your manifested reality tell you about your power to call in miracles and co-create your best, most expanded life? What your spirit guides are whispering right now: the best is yet to come, Libra! That said, you’re also being guided to break out of your cocoon and put yourself out there—literally. A tribe reunion is on the cards for you, one that will remind you of all that is blessed and beautiful in your life.

Scorpio weekly horoscope


You can feel it in your bones, in your cells, in your DNA—now is time to come out of your cocoon, spread your wings and do what you do best! It’s time to share your magic *and* your divine gifts with the collective! Remember, you don’t have to be perfect. You simply have to be *you*—and that is a part of your transformation. What’s more, Libra season sees you bringing the gifts of honesty and authenticity into your relationships. You no longer resonate with the idea of dimming your light or bending yourself backwards in order to please other people. Most importantly, you’re no longer afraid to talk about the tough stuff or hold space for open and honest conversations.

Sagittarius weekly horoscope


We’re telling you something you already know: you’re in your wanderlust era right now. You’re yearning to learn about new cultures and cuisines. You’re yearning to let go of “the shoulds” and “the musts” and let your inner GPS guide you. Oh, the things you will learn about yourself on this journey, Sagittarius! That said, you’re being reminded that commitment does not always equal restriction or limitations—and it certainly does not have to feel burdensome. So, give your SO the freedom they need to be who they really are and follow their true path. It’s about creating a safe space where both of you can flourish individually and together, fostering a deep, unconditional love that transcends conventional expectations. 

Capricorn weekly horoscope


If you’re looking for an affirmation about whether or not you’re on the right track, this is it! This is it, Capricorn! The cards are bringing forth the reminder that you’re blessed in more ways than one and in more ways than you can count. Give yourself the permission to receive the sweet fruits of your labor. Give yourself the permission to savor the sweetness and share the bounty with those who are a part of your world. As for the next chapter of your life? It’s about reclaiming your power and sharing your sacred gifts with the world. Overheard at the cosmic conference: the best is yet to come!

Aquarius weekly horoscope


Everything is transpiring exactly the way that it is supposed to—not a minute earlier, not a minute later. Trust yourself and trust the divine plan. Trust that things will fall into place eventually even if they feel awry at the moment. When it comes to the manifestation process, you’re being reminded that the day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit. So, move intentionally and give yourself the permission to nurture the given project/venture. Overheard at the cosmic conference: the help and resources required to make big things happen will find their way to you. 

Pisces weekly horoscope


As you sip on your morning tea, contemplate these golden words by philosopher J. Krishnamurti: “The ability to observe without evaluating is the highest form of intelligence.” This soulscope is your reminder to let go of the need for perfection and experience life as it comes. To embrace the journey with curiosity and openness, without worrying too much about the outcome. To approach everything with a beginner’s mind—whether it’s starting a new hobby, meeting a diverse group of people, or exploring new places. Unexpected surprises are on the cards for you as you move through Libra season. That said, you’re also being reminded that life is an adventure, not a test. So, don’t be afraid to make mistakes or take risks. Each step you take is a valuable part of your growth and learning—and it’s okay to trip and fall along the way!

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