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Your Weekly Horoscope Says the Veil Is Thin, Thanks to a New Moon & Halloween



Your Weekly Horoscope Says the Veil Is Thin, Thanks to a New Moon & Halloween

Your horoscope for the week of October 27 to November 2 is forcing you to look inward and reflect. Scorpio season is underway, pushing you a transformation that’s just beginning. Get ready to release something in exchange for the hope of something better.

On October 28, Mars forms a harmonious trine with Neptune retrograde, filling the week with compassion and deepening your dreams. This will enhance creativity and encourage you to expand your imagination. However, later that morning, Venus in Sagittarius squares Saturn in Pisces, forcing you to get grounded, sober, and serious. This could inevitably raise boundaries and limitations in your relationships and finances, allowing you to rethink whether the juice is worth the squeeze. While Mars and Neptune uplift us, Venus and Saturn ask us to get real about what isn’t working and push us to focus on your real priorities.

On October 30, Mercury opposes Uranus, injecting an electric, unpredictable energy into your communications and thought process. Expect surprises and sudden insights that challenge the norm, because this is the perfect time for haunted mazes and adrenaline-inducing horror films. By October 31, Mercury forms a trine with Neptune, softening this energy with imagination and empathy. This is a favorable time to engage in meaningful conversations and explore spirituality or creativity, bringing a mystical aura to our thinking and perception. It will also increase the magical vibe on Halloween, because the veil is super thin this week, allowing spirits to return for visits.

The energy intensifies on November 1 with a new moon in Scorpio, inviting us to set intentions around transformation, depth, and renewal. Scorpio’s energy encourages us to shed old layers, face our shadows, and rediscover your ability to take an emotional risk and have trust. November 2 brings a supportive sextile between Jupiter and Chiron, enhancing healing and self-growth. Prepare for the waterworks, as Chiron rules over your deepest and most unhealed wounds. Chatty Mercury then forms both a trine with Mars and a sextile with Pluto in Capricorn, giving us the mental clarity and determination to tackle complex issues that may have risen during this highly Scorpionic week.

How the planets will affect your zodiac sign this week

Here’s what you can expect from the upcoming week, according to your sun and/or rising sign (and seriously, you’re missing out if you don’t read these horoscopes for your rising sign):

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