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Your Weekly Tarot Card Reading Says It’s Time to Take a Risk



Your Weekly Tarot Card Reading Says It’s Time to Take a Risk

You don’t need to know the difference between a three-card and a Celtic cross spread to get the most out of a tarot card reading. All you need: your Sun sign! Here’s what I do: Shuffle my tarot deck and pull out the cards in order from Aries to Pisces, plus one general card for everyone so that you can get specific advice around your personality. Let’s go!


Rider-Waite+Margie Rischiotto

Can I tell you a secret? I have pulled this card in multiple readings all week long, and I feel like it’s an omen! This card makes me think of entering competitions, so maybe it’s going to be a lucky week for us all. Play a bold hand, roll the dice, and take a risk. Inject a sense of rivalry into whatever you’re doing, even if your only rival is yourself. A little friendly competition can help you rise to the occasion. Figure out what you want to succeed at right now and gamify it.


king of wands tarot card

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

The King of Wands represents you at your very best, and this is a week to be that person. The key to it all is purpose. What do you want to achieve? What matters to you? What inspires you? What motivates you? That’s what you’re going to work on this week. The sky’s the limit, Aries, so dream big!


ten of pentacles tarot card

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

This should be your favorite tarot card, Taurus, because it means riches, rewards, and recognition. It’s a financial happy-ever-after! Money, material advancement, and real progress can flow easily to you if you make the right moves. What are those moves? Simply, steps that can build your prosperity for the long-term—investment, saving, professional education, networking, working on your health and wellbeing, improving your home, etc. Take positive steps this week.


seven of cups tarot card

Margie Rischiotto+Rider/Waite

Dream a dream, Gem. The Seven of Cups represents imagination, and it reminds you that your superpower is definitely your mind. Your brain moves at lightning speed! You can take in many different factors, ingredients, and data and spew out innovative ideas and insights. You’re a mental alchemist. You take this power for granted, but it’s rare and valuable. How can you put it to good use? How can you profit from it? How can you enjoy it?


the world tarot card

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

What’s your biggest goal? What’s your lifelong dream? What fantasy do you return to again and again? The World is a reminder that life is for living your way, and you can get busy making your dreams into reality anytime you choose. It can start right now! The World tells you that cosmic energies are aligning to help you achieve something that you think is out of reach. You just need imagination, action, and stamina. Travel might be important, and location change could be an option. Think long-term. You are about to embark on a great adventure.


five of pentacles tarot card

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Don’t be sad. Be reflective and insightful. Let your emotions surface so you can embrace them with love and compassion. Then, switch on your more rational mind and find out what triggered your sadness and what you understand about yourself as a result. Learn from your emotions—they are the most authentic guide to self-development! The Five of Pentacles asks you to do this homework and then share your results. Others can learn from you.


eight of pentacles tarot card

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Virgo, keep at it! You might feel tempted to throw the towel in because this project/relationship/etc. has gotten more and more difficult, with no sign of the rewards you hoped for. This is the dark before the dawn. Next week will bring breakthroughs that make everything flow so much easier and faster. You deserve to be rewarded for all of this effort, so do not give up now. Success lies ahead.


queen of swords tarot card

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

It’s time for some analysis and rational thought—which you’re particularly good at! You’re heading into a rewarding week, Libra, and you’re feeling ready for insight and information. The Queen of Swords sees you getting into something mentally challenging and complex. You are a master at unravelling tangled messes and presenting something succinct and clear from it. This is your superpower! Go make it make sense, then come tell us what’s really going on. You will be rewarded.


knight of cups tarot card

Margie Rischiotto+Rider/Waite

Fun time! The Knight of Cups is an adventurer and a lover, so embrace this side of yourself and seek pleasure, fun, indulgence, and joy. Why not? Life is tough and work is demanding. Go do whatever makes you feel alive. You need a little hiatus from the grind to reboot your energy and sense of optimism. It can’t all be about making money. This week, give yourself permission to enjoy yourself. Go play.


the fool tarot card

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

The Fool is always a welcome sight in a tarot reading, especially for an independent, freedom-seeking person like you, Sag! A new beginning is in sight this week, something heartfelt and inspiring, something others may raise an eyebrow at… well, let them. This is your life and your decision, right? Right. The Fool is linked to the planet Uranus, which has associations with activism, tech, travel, progressive thinking, invention, and sudden leaps of faith. Let that inspire you, and then go do what makes you happy.


the empress tarot card

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Loyalty and security are very important to you, Cap. Your circle is usually small but perfectly formed. The Empress asks you to tend to those chosen few this week. Make memories, tell them why you value them, invite them to something fun, or call them and catch up. Send them a gift, flowers, or a nice text. Let them know how much they mean to you. This is important and it will make you feel good, too.


ten of wands tarot card

Margie Rischiotto+Rider/Waite

Sometimes you need a quiet week. Right now, you can’t carry on at the pace you’ve set. Your body, mind, and spirit are yearning for deep rest and restoration. Make a commitment to relax this week. Clear your schedule streamline as much as you can. The Ten of Wands warns of burnout. It’s time to take a time-out and focus on rejuvenation. You can come back stronger next week.


eight of wands tarot card

Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

You are a social person. You love to gossip and and be in the middle of whatever’s happening. You’re very popular—people trust you and confide in you, and you have a knack for knowing exactly where things are happening. Bring your intuition into focus this week and follow your gut. Someone might need a shoulder to cry on, even if they seem fine to everyone else. Someone might need to ask for a favor, but feel reluctant to do so. Someone might have an important question to ask you but is afraid start the conversation. Let your intuition guide you and take the lead.

Headshot of Kerry Ward

 Kerry Ward has been reading and teaching tarot for over 25 years, and alongside her work as Horoscope contributor for Cosmopolitan UK, has worked for Cosmopolitan US, too.  You can book a personal, written tarot reading with her, which comes as a beautifully illustrated brochure, while she is also the published author of Power Purpose Practice, Card of the Day Tarot and The Good Karma Tarot. She also created the Crystal Magic Tarot deck. Follow her on Instagram @mytarotbella for weekly forecasts, insights, and tarot teachings, or find her on LinkedIn

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